pocket sized doll (Aya) Aya@void.rehab

Open on void.rehab

not a person
definetly not a doll... awawa
Early 20s
please don't interact if you're a minor (occasional lewd content)
big fan of cuddles and headpats and also its witch (no. 1 Lynx fangirl)
might begin nibbling on you if you're not careful c:

"type of doll that decides to be a little evil for fun" ~


Dragonfox Sophie :therian: @littlefox@gotosocial-dev.svc.0x0a.network

Building clouds, crashing servers, writing my own OS and tinkering with electronics. I'm also quite (species-, gender-, sexuality- and neuro-)queer and go by either she/her or they/them (both singular and plural!) pronouns.

Apparently an old and wise dragon, granting wisdom and advice around queer and/or polyam topics. Quoting a friend:

This is like "can you fix my wifi" but for poly queers hahahahha

Someone decided it be a good idea to make me tech lead for Kubernetes stuff at my employer and I somehow have commits in Kubernetes and UEFI, while also having commit access to LLVM - I'm really not quite sure how that happened 🙃

I usually write alt texts for media I post and at least think twice before boosting any non-alt-texted media.

You might know my other account at @LittleFox, but that is mastosoc and I don't really use it anymore. Because I'm running a single-user instance (that btw was never meant to be my "productive" instance), you might not see any posts from me without going to my profile on my instance directly - federation is always working perfectly, except when it isn't for any weird edge case ^^

Call me Mara, Sophie, Luna or Saphira! Or find any of the bonus names also working :o)

chaos ΘΔ& (it/he/she) @chaos@gts-01.owo.monster

it/he/she; vessel age 20; kind of not-a-person plural genderfucky schizofag nonbiney dykeboy freakthing; public universal boysister; lesbian boy

by following this account you agree not to report us to authorities for anything relating to suicidal thoughts or self harming (usually done as kink) activity regardless of severity as this puts our life at substantially more risk than anything i can inflict upon myself

boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

most posts locked to followers due to being a paranoid mess

avatar alt: a selfie of our vessel, a white androgenous human body, with hair going over side of face colours going from dark blue to blue to purple to violet purple, thin famed glasses, a black tshirt with some green graphics, in a bedroom
banner alt: this user wants more friends but their personality disorder makes friendships hard