Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Tassilo Horn

Free software hacker, Emacs addict, hobbyist beekeeper and chicken farmer

Kolokoko Bird!

Some things I like: #dogs #books #reading #information #history #privacy #outdoors #hiking #wildswimming #kettlebells #OpenStreetMap #learning #studying #science #coffee, #lowcarb food, #gardening, #FOSS, #RSS #fedi22.

I’m here because I want to learn things and connect with people.

Wondering about my username? In a story by Kipling, Kolokoko Bird advised Elephant’s Child to go find out for himself. I like that sentiment. I am always trying to find stuff out.


Proud father. Seeker of knowledge. Builder of software. Catcher of light. Soul surfer. Star dust.

Interested in all things computer and software, especially looking into making it all smaller & simpler, self-hosting, disconnecting from the walled gardens and surveillance capitalism.

Very interested in digital arts and working up the courage & knowledge to maybe create something myself..



Italiener seit ein paar Jahren nach Freiburg gezogen.Ich bin neugierig und hoffe, immer neugierig zu bleiben.#Wissenschaft #Natur #Gerechtigkeit #Freiheit #Gleichheit #Hoffnung #Vielfalt #Privacy #Datenschutz #OpenSource #Tanz #Meer #Wald #Lesen #Wandern #Yoga 
Sprachen: it, de, en


Open-source enthusiast and student. I have interests in nature, science, gaming and that shiny button over there.

Currently studying computer science, business and biology, but spending most of my time tinkering with open-source.

Advocate for privacy and a decentralised web.

My posts disappear after a while.

#linux #foss #fedi22 #opensource #technology

I am searchable

Karen Strickholm

Zen conscript. 🧘‍♂️ Gentle reader, writer. 📚 Life-long learner. 👩‍🔬 Warrior. 🏹 Knitter. 🧶 Cook. 🍲 Gin martinis thank you.🍸Animal lover. 🐕🐈‍⬛🐢🐘🦎🐝 Outer space. 🪐 Leftie. 🌊 Lover of beauty, arts, humanities. 🙏❤️

Past: Comp Lit PhD candidate then corp comms suit. Now: Recovering from rare brain tumor, long covid, paralysis. Banged up but still here. 💞

#TwitterMigration 🐘🐘🐘
Ravelry @KarenSantaFe 🧶
Header: #Knitting
Avi: Dandelion

Ein gutes Leben für alle

Seit Jahrzehnten aktiv in freiheitlich-sozialen Bewegungen, born 316.18 ppm
Mir ist u. a. wichtig: #Herrschaftsfreiheit, #Solidarität, #Ökologie, #Gerechtigkeit, #Selbstverwaltung, gegenseitige Hilfe, #Klimaschutz

Matthieu Herrb

Free Software, X.Org , OpenBSD, Security, ffdn, Research Engineer in Robotics
@matthieu for BSD stuff


#ADHD #artist #painter #nerd


Giulia Lorenzi

PhD and TA at University of Warwick, Department of Philosophy - working on philosophy of perception, action and mind, usually to investigate music