Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.


Calico Jesse

Just another Rpg geek. (he/him)
By day I’m a boring computer programmer.
I like #ttrpgs and #boardgames
I read a lot of #history


Coffee wanker, Linux user, Software Engineer

Thomas Sturm

Programmer, photographer and writer. Now go outside and look at the sky.

Mastodon since Aug 2018, since May 2020.

Harshad Sharma

Tends to soil, plants and various animals on a small farm somewhere in the hills of Kodaikanal.

Writes small software programs for hobby, trusts big technology less every day.

Archivist of sorts for legacy code - holding space for biodiversity so it may not be lost.

Expect photos, anecdotes and rants about living off-grid in middle of nowhere.


Pranay S. Yadav

Hello! I am a Linux/FOSS enthusiast, and I particularly enjoy stuff at the intersection of art, mathematics, computing and science. These overlap nicely in the realm of computational neuroscience, which I am currently studying for a PhD.


On the edge of big storms comes big gators

writer, web developer, draftsman, woodworker, emacs, org-mode, gemini, ham radio

Your politics, religion, and sex life are really none of my business.


paloma kop ✦

audiovisual media artist, spacetime explorer, human being

i don't accept follow requests from empty profiles

posts auto-delete after a while


Hi, I'm Dave! My avatar is a watercolor sketch of a rat with an eye patch, martini glass and a stiletto. He's sitting at a table with a book and some pieces of paper. He looks like a scoundrel but is actually totally nice.

Eric Feldhusen


Engineering Lead working with distributed systems and cloud


:flan_whmage: :flan_q:

Warning: may occasionally contain content. Consume in moderation.