Anant Shrivastava aka anantshri

Open on

Researcher | Trainer | Security Professional | Developer | Admin

I talk about #linux, #Security, #infosec, #android, #androidsecurity, #PKM and a lot more.

My Website :
I blog @
My talks are available @

My community

:linux: :debian: :ubuntu: :vim: :wordpress: :macos: :terminal: :python: :android: :fediverse: :mate: :obsidian: :pi:




A fresh start in 2023. tfr.



Security BSides Bloomington

Michael Nühlen

Digital Humanist | Data Steward | Co-Founder
| Cognitive Visualytics Evangelist | Passionate about Innovation3.0 | Words are my own

Harold Jarche

A keen subversive of the last century's management & training models.

— blogging since 2004

Header: waves crashing onto a lighthouse

Mark Brennan

Public history graduate student at Central Connecticut State University. I'm focusing on urban and regional history, especially about NY and New England. It's very interesting being back in school after 30 years. Day job is testing and validating technology. Volunteer firefighter and USN vet. Cyclist, hiker, and gardener who likes to tinker and fix things.

Ben Yellin


Think different about governance and strategy. Rescue management from the leadership obsession. There is no one-right-way.

Julian Elve

Technology, education, social change, and an amount of shouting at the TV (actually that last one is pretty much in the other place - doesn’t fit here)

I blog at and an RSS feed is available...

Posts are CC-BY-NC-SA

#CSharp #Dynamics #Dataverse #dotnet #PowerApps #Programming #CTO #InfoSec #DataProtection #IndieWeb #Education #ContinualLearning #KnowlegeManagement #PKM #ToolsForThought#GNUTerryPratchett
#fedi22 #nobot #supportthenurses

Daniel de Kay

Scientist working for BASF: chemistry, innovation scouting and management, digitalization and now community management. Of course, my posts are personal opinions.

Topics I am interested in:
Argentine Tango, baking bread, wine, espresso, photography, generative AI, home automation, privacy, social networks, organizational change, WordPress, knowledge management, …

DarkOperator 🚀

CS Architect/Researcher | Linux Advocate | InfoSec News Source | Space Enthusiast | Geekdad | Not a Bot

sunscan :verified: