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Building developer tools at Flexport. formerly Stedi, AWS; Puzzle addict, Choral tenor, and teller of terrible puns. 時々日本語を喋る。


Samuel Tschiedel

Shitty cognitive cosplayer of deterministic machines

Certified Cloud Yeller

Dad, Choral vocalist, slings javascript by day.


Gregory Pittman

Middle school administrator · Professional musician · Weather geek · Enneagram 1w9 and ISTJ-A

John Pearce

Editor of "Eco", and former editor of “Green News”, and Green Party magazine “Green World". Author of “Gaia - A Faith for the Future” & "The Little Green Book".

nathan teoh

full time button presser

Brad Koehn

Private #pilot, #management #consultant, and #hashtags.

David Brownman

Software developer, tinkerer, enthusiast.

Am @xavdid basically anywhere you can have a username. Let's talk Developer Experience!

Currently slinging bits at Stripe; he/him


Software Developer on a journey.

Jordan Muller

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
New Graduate in the California SF Bay Area
Passion for Helping People & Solving Problems

Ruben Borg Nielsen

Software Developer, Tech lead.
Python, C#, Dotnet, Unity, Godot, and all things Web.
Occasionally blog about software, gaming, and other interests.
Would like to one day find time to develop some small games 🕹️🎮

Brian LeRoux 💚

Web developer, cofounder of Begin, maintainer of Architect, and Enhance. AWS serverless hero.

#indieweb #webdev #enhance #fwa #serverless #aws