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Nora Reed

I guess I'm posting here now too. They/them and ze/hir.

Chas Emerick

Making PDFs reliable data sources @ PDFDATA, co-organizer of Papers We Love / PWLConf. Topics: PLT, distsys, future-computing, politics, policy, "ethics in tech", and shitposts

David Diaz

Engineer currently in R&D at Evercast. I'm traditionally an electrical engineer specializing in electronics and computer architecture, but I've somehow managed to end up with a career in software engineering.

I'm interested in lots of things, but I'm mostly here to learn about science and tech—including electronics, programming, retrocomputing, space exploration, climate change. I don't post much.

Nathan Sorenson

I like functional programming, collecting arxiv pdfs, trying to grok Topos Theory for years, and turning tedious problems into interesting math problems. I also like meditation and consciousness and Self Growth but am deeply suspicious of others who share this interest, in a Groucho Marxian sense

Details of my psychodrama are unimportant but fwiw I try to minimize being That Guy across a variety of dimensions


foss nerd, early music enthusiast, gaymer, re-tooter, he/him


I don't really do much.

Nire Bryce

hEDS. flaky. ND. a GF gf | undisciplined generalist | 30 +/-2 | gq, they(pl, s)/she | Ace-ish, Trans | object in mirror is smaller than appears | 'far left

Northeast US


SnoopJ :python_logo:🫠

Purveyor of nonsense, much of it about #Python or #physics. TANSTAAFL

Avatar drawn by Nick Shea


release candidate

nwf, Ph.D.

"nʉf". He/They. A nerd's nerd. Anti-fascist, anti-theist. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Work @ MS Research; opinions mine.

Colin Mitchell

i make stuff on the internet. also admin of for your fediverse bot fun