Rebeka Catalina

Open on

Becca Reese

"we are the granddaughters of the witches you weren't able to burn."

- unknown author


Annoying ppl since the late 80ies
#nobot #lurker :heart_cybre:

Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Herr, kein Sklave :blob_anar_raccoon:​


all my dreams are broken

stop racism.
pronouns: he/him : er/ihm


Just a curious mind. Gopher is dead.
#Running #MountainBike #RoadBike #RideOn ☮️ 🚵


Cloud Stylistin | Creative Commons | FOSS | Fotografie | Gestaltung | Kunst | Kochen | Backen | zynisch, sarkastisch und Misanthrop | :antifa: :pansexual_flag: :anarchismred: 🏳️‍⚧️


⚠️ Wenn du mir folgen willst, sag mal Hallo und woher wir uns kennen.


engineering and other FINTA stuff | filtering RT | toots will be deleted regularly on a short interval | this is a public profile, feel free to boost and/or follow :BoostOK:


This is my private account. Please don't send me follow requests unless we're good friends.

If you're following me, please don't share any information I post here. Ask me first. Thx! 🌻

高友蓮 (gāo yǒu lián)


Please say 'hello' before following.

Avatar: Selfie of a white woman lying down covering her forehead with her hand, one pale blue eye is visible and lots of brown hair spread out.
Header: a landscape with trees on a meadow and a forest in the background. Thanks to @daniel_bohrer

Chinese name was gifted to me by @zoec thank you, girlfriend!

barbara 🌏

|| Media & Communications || 💚 nature, music and tech ||

mischk 👻 🇮🇱

Currently this is a test account. I'm testing a self-hosted Mastodon instance via Yunohost. Eventually I will move here, but my main account will stay @mischk for now.

Momentan ist das ein Test-Account. Ich teste eine über Yunohost selbstgehostete Mastodon-Instanz. Eventuell ziehe ich hierhin um, aber mein Hauptaccount bleibt erstmal @mischk.


Creative technologist or something like that.

Video games and interactive things, programming, privacy, (making) music and (intersectional) feminism.

🏳️‍🌈 non-binary bisexual weirdo. she/they. white and able-bodied.

Based in Berlin 🥙

Black lives matter!
Trans rights are human rights!
Sex work is real work!

In Germany we say "links-grün versifft" and I think that's beautiful.


Organizing Rust 🦀 in Arts 🎨


fedizen since

foss nature photography books music anticapitalism lgbqt+

i toot in English and Greek
