hansenerd cg@gts.zknt.org

Open on gts.zknt.org

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: cg@zknt.org
xmpp: cg@zknt.org
matrix: @cg:zknt.org
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running pixelfed.de for fun and no profit


maloki @maloki@goblin.technology

You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.

Luka @auberginer@chaos.social


βρίζοντας @dictvm@calckey.social

O mighty spectacle, I gaze into thee. NGNM. LHP. Anti-Abrahamic Action.


jamalaka@hal9.ooo @jamalaka@hal9.ooo

Steve Dinn @steve@social.dinn.ca

Haligonian, dad, software developer, home-automation enthusiast, cyclist, coffee lover, nerd

#fedi22 so I can be indexed on https://fediverse.info

Ⓐ Beautiful AnarKitty Ⓐ @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social

fellmoon 🏴 @fellmoon@bsd.network

Noobish but enthusiastic BSD-Beginner,
mostly driven by curiosity & coffee, various kinds of weird stuff, extreme music, counterculture, etc.
full time dreamer, part time realist.

I prefer sane and civilized conversations and the ability to respectfully disagree.

Toots might contain swearing nevertheless.

Schrottkatze @schrottkatze@ck.katzen.cafe

hacker catgirl server maid of this place

driving fedi innovation by being gay on the internet

I'll probably accept follow requests, but i just want the option to say no to a follow request, yk?

someone remind me to improve this, i'm tired now and this is a problem for future me

wuffel @wuffel@social.tchncs.de

Unixopia, Musiker, Ökofilz/Selbstdenker, #OpasForFuture
GPG: 0x81161D2ECD1C2BFC
Omemo: A452C3E3 DD738D34
Mein Interesse, mit faktenresistenten und wohlstandsgläubigen Angstbeissern zu diskutieren, ist recht exakt 0. Dafür gibt es den Plonkifikator.
Wir haben andere Aufgaben von deutlich höherer Dringlichkeit.
Hobby: Unterwandern von Denkstrukturen.

Achja: Ich hasse es, aus Lautsprechern vollgelabert zu werden. Podcasts etc. braucht mir niemand zu empfehlen.

Francis Augusto 🇳🇴/🇧🇷/:bahia: @francis@mastodon.babb.no

Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay

I am a Norwegian/Brazilian IT Engineer (and an ex-lawyer).

I am a member of the Green Party (MDG) in Norway, though personally I am a bit further left in the political spectrum. I don't know if I should try to fix the world or start a new Kubernetes cluster.
My interests are:

- IT
- Politics
- #apple
- #coding
- #linux
- #running
- #sourdough bread baking
- #vegan
- #virtualization
- #glaucoma

Aaaand I started https://mastodon.babb.no.

gnomus@chaos.social @gnomus@chaos.social

satta @satta@infosec.exchange

Security tooling developer. Former bioinformatics guy. @ssatta on Twitter.