hansenerd cg@gts.zknt.org

Open on gts.zknt.org

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: cg@zknt.org
xmpp: cg@zknt.org
matrix: @cg:zknt.org
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running pixelfed.de for fun and no profit


Rince @rince@chaos.social

School, Degree in scientific documentation, worked my hobby, went to InfoSec.
Civil Right activist, Open Source Software User, lousy programmer, Debianist, Singer (Tenor), loves books.

pcopfer @pcopfer@chaos.social

Chaosnah, Serveradmin zum Spaß, THW (Bergung), Pan, Poly, dinge
Threema: VA37UUX3
Signal/Telegram: pcopfer

Jack McKracken @TraXo@toots.cc

#networks, #ipv6, #denog, #linux, #hamradio, #chaoswelle, #bratzenamt, #fcsp, #mead

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
- Hunter S. Thompson


Nfoonf @Nfoonf@chaos.social

Bin hier im Urlaub. Versuche bessere Vibes zu bekommen.

Markus Kuppe @lmstr@chaos.social

Principal Research Software Engineer at Microsoft Research - Let TLA+ (in) RiSE @ MSFT

hansenerd @tercean@chaos.social

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

vernachlässigtes blog: https://cg.zknt.org

repressionswanne @rehwanne@social.antifa.gmbh

der gearschte wenn ihr hier Illegalen Kram macht
Irgendwo zwischen authoritärem Kommunismus(????) und Anarchospinnereien mit einem Hauch Technologiefeindlichkeit durch tägliche Befassung

gone @dictvm@firefish.social

Tanuva @tanuva@chaos.social

Explainer of things for fork(). Tamer of computers. Capturer of photons. Banger of heads. Digger of holes on the beach. He/him.
#photography #programming #Prinzessinnenjunge #mecfs

sfof @sfof@chaos.social

#metal · #vegan · #dad² · #freifunk · #linux · #hamburg · #bike · #3dprinter · #spaceflight · #astronomy · #cats · #bass · #photography · #cameraman & #colorist ·
#FCKNZ · he/him · de/en · born at 331.92 ppm

hut @hut@chaos.social