d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


Ulrike @ulrike@pouet.chapril.org

Blablabla self representation #internetInfrastructure #mapping #illustration from #eastGermany to #france and back. #nature #gardening #cinema #workingclass #ostsozialisiert #graphicNovels #childrensMovies #pleasure. retired #Debian Developer. angry at capitalism and its tentacles.

felix stalder @festal@chaos.social

Researcher, teacher, and activist. Born at 324 BPM. Europe. Binary, so you don't have to be.

Resto Cruz @restocruz@sciences.social

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Social Anthropology. Kinship and relatedness, generations, the life course, social mobility. Philippines, Southeast Asia, UK.

Tim Reierson @holdspacefree@tech.lgbt

Former volunteer for Crisis Text Line. Terminated for questioning data ethics and monetization. (Still) seeking change, with your help.

Persons in vulnerable moments should not be taken advantage of by nonprofits, researchers, Institutional Review Boards, corporations, institutions, or government organizations.

YES to: consent, respect, & ethically sourced data.

YES to: #TransLifeline #SafeHotlines

Caution: #CrisisTextLine #988Lifeline

#NLP #BioInformatics #DataEthics #ResearchEthics

Nik (Nicholas) John @nik@aoir.social

Assoc. Prof. at the Dept of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. VP of #AoIR. I study the #internet, especially #unfriending and #sharing (but not so much the latter these days). I #drum a bit. I'm a big fan of #democracy.

David Golumbia @dgolumbia@mastodon.world

official parody

Andrew Lindner @lindno@mastodon.social

Professor of Sociology at Skidmore College. Co-author of "All Media Are Social" http://amzn.to/2VlEaLe.

Andrew S. Hoffman @parrhesiastic@akademienl.social

Data Steward in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Leiden University (SOLO/CAOS/CWTS). Recovering ethnographer of knowledge infrastructures. Lighthouse connoisseur. Avid tennis watcher. Accumulator of more LPs than I'll ever have the time to listen carefully to.

Heikki Wilenius @hw@fediscience.org

Anthropology, politics, software, sound, ecology, Indonesia; technology, pedagogy; electronic music, outsider beats

Co-editor-in-chief of @suomenantropologi, Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Association

jpooley @jpooley@scholar.social

Professor of media & communication at Muhlenberg & director of mediastudies.press. Curious about scholarly communication and the sociology of academic life.

EngagingSTSjournal @ESTSjournal@mastodon.world

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) is the flagship open access journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Since its establishment in 2014, ESTS has become recognized as one of the premiere scholarly publications in STS internationally, constituting one of the most visible and increasingly important ways that 4S contributes to the STS community.

Transnational | Experimental | Pedagogy | Publishing Infrastructure
Multimodal | Research Data | Longform | Shortform

Nico Palacios @nicopalacios@mas.to

Urban Researcher (He/Him)
PhD @ethz_spur
| Platform Labour | Urban experience | Production of Space |
Passionate about cities, public space and labor|
Do they owe us a living? Of course they do!