d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


Vita @anthropologist@mastodon.social

Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London. Political anthropologist. Co-convenor of Anthropology of Surveillance Network.

Giselinde @Giselinde@sciences.social

Professor of Sociology @KU_Leuven
Studies beauty, humor and other frivolous things with serious consequences.
Toots in English en in het Nederlands.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot) @xot@scholar.social

Visiting Professor Karlstad University. Associate professor privacy enhancing protocols and privacy by design at Radboud University Nijmegen. IT in the context of the law at University of Groningen. Privacy Engineering Boffin.

Author of "Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design."MIT Press, October 2021. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/privacy-hard-and-seven-other-myths

Benjamin Geer @benjamingeer@zirk.us

Software developer and ex-academic (#sociology, conceptual #history, cognitive #linguistics, #Arabic culture, #DigitalHumanities). I like connecting with people around the world and sharing knowledge. EN/FR/AR/DE/IT


Tondauer (open-access, open-source critical #music editions): https://tondauer.art/

Kawkabna (Arabic podcast on the #environment, #migration, and #inequality): https://www.kawkabna.net/

#searchable #fedi22

Ulrike @ulrike@pouet.chapril.org

Blablabla self representation #internetInfrastructure #mapping #illustration from #eastGermany to #france and back. #nature #gardening #cinema #workingclass #ostsozialisiert #graphicNovels #childrensMovies #pleasure. retired #Debian Developer. angry at capitalism and its tentacles.

Chakad Ojani @cojani@mastodon.social

Anthropology of infrastructures, environments, practices of speculation. Fog capture in Peru, space infrastructures in Sweden, and some SF. Currently based at Uppsala University. http://chakadojani.com

Alison Gerber @Gerber@sciences.social

Sociologist / culture, science, & public life / The Work of Art: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=26885

renebekkers @renebekkers@mastodon.social

professor of philanthropy at the department of sociology at VU Amsterdam; open science advocate; chair of the faculty of social sciences research ethics review committee

DIGSUM @digsum@sciences.social

Centre for Digital Social Research at Umeå University, Sweden.

Robbert Hoogstraat @RHoogstraat@akademienl.social

Project leader Recognition & Rewards at the Dutch Research Council (NWO) • Passion for coffee, science, and pizza (not in that order) • Office comedian (official title) • Final boss of the #AkademieNL server

Occupy Nederland @OccupyNederland@mstdn.social

Op 15 oktober 2011 zijn er in heel Nederland uit solidariteit met #OccupyWallstreet kampen opgezet.

Avatar: zwart-wit tekeningetje van ijverig tikkend persoon achter een typemachine.

Header: Doorbraak spandoek: "Sloop de muren van Fort Europa." (Doorbraak.eu)

Domaine Public ASBL @domainepublic@hostux.social