d12n d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship


Timothy Elfenbein @timelfen@assemblag.es

Principal of Forthcoming LLC, a publishing consultancy; Researcher & practitioner of scholarly #publishing & #ScholarlyCommunication; Digital explorer–analog #sailor; @timelfen on Twitter; typos & grammatical mistakes are an expression of my humanity. tfr

claudiakincaid @karengregory@mastodon.scot

Sociologist | Tired Person

Researches platform labour. Currently writing about risk for one project, enchantment for another.

Julie Mewes @jume@assemblag.es

#STS and #SocialAnthropology scholar working on #technologiesindailylife #citizenscience #ethnographicmethods #sleep #time #work DE/EN, 1stgen, she/her, opinions & typos mine

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot) @xot@someone.elses.computer

Visiting Professor Karlstad University. Associate professor privacy enhancing protocols and privacy by design at Radboud University Nijmegen. IT in the context of the law at University of Groningen. Privacy Engineering Boffin.

Author of "Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design."MIT Press, October 2021. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/privacy-hard-and-seven-other-myths

Christoph Becker @cbecker@hci.social

Full Professor of Information studying just sustainability in IT: design, software, requirements, values, power, responsibility. Critical Systems Thinker, #TechOtherwise, just sustainability design, #degrowth.
Book INSOLVENT: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability @MIT Press 2023 https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/insolvent#T1D
Birdsite @ChriBecker

DIGSUM @digsum@sciences.social

Centre for Digital Social Research at Umeå University, Sweden.

Miriam Posner @Miriamkp@mastodon.social

Asst prof, @UCLAIS, digital humanities person, own opinions haver, fighter. Supply chain enthusiast (look for my book in 1,000 years). #sts #digitalhumanities #digitallabor #criticaldatastudies #infrastructure #supplychains #mediastudies #labor

Doug is riding the mastodon! @dougschuler@hci.social

My updated but still temporary profile...

Have we entered the Cybercene Epoch where changes in earth systems are primarily caused by the Cyberplex, the entire socio-technological digital assembly, containing the universe of networked digital parts & the human and social forces that builds and maintains it? https://limits.pubpub.org/pub/j542e5lp/release/1


Occupy Nederland @OccupyNederland@mstdn.social

Op 15 oktober 2011 zijn er in heel Nederland uit solidariteit met #OccupyWallstreet kampen opgezet.

Avatar: zwart-wit tekeningetje van ijverig tikkend persoon achter een typemachine.

Header: Doorbraak spandoek: "Sloop de muren van Fort Europa." (Doorbraak.eu)

Bart Barendregt @bartbarendregt@mastodon.nl


Global Data Justice @GlobalDataJust@dair-community.social

A globally inclusive dialogue about the future of data 🌎

Check out our OA book! meatspacepress.com/data-justice-a…

Anita Graser 🇪🇺🇺🇦 @underdarkGIS@fosstodon.org

#SpatialDataScience | #MovementDataAnalysis | #OpenSource #Geospatial | @qgis PSC Member | Creator of @movingpandas | Scientist at AIT. She/her/dr

Previously: @underdarkGIS