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Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, permacomputing, gardening, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, golang programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from and the header from 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless energy of @Trav!

I post in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁



Engineering, design, ethics
Greek politics, international tech policy, EU affairs
In general, wondering how we can stop collectively fucking our world up.


bread & roses - feminist - floss - social justice-iownmybody - cuir :anarchy:


Working in #web3 at the edge of the wilderness.

Sharing photos of said wilderness and whatever else feels present 🥰

Queer in the country. ✌️🌈 💛Any pronouns are fine. 👋

PLUR 🕺🎹🎵🎶🌳🏡



Former translator of books & essays about art, theory, society, technology, based in Linz, Austria; liberated from other people's deadlines (i.e. retired) in 2018.
After living two years in Calafou, now living in Willy-Fred-Haus.

Ornella 🇧🇫

founder and CTO of this 1-person server

I have a dog named Pixie. This is a Pixie fan account.

Avatar: photo de moi, une femme avec des cheveux frisés, penchée par une fenêtre de rez-de-chaussée, souriant vers l'objectif

Coen Wesselman


Caoimhe Tiernan

A wee software engineer who likes sewing, RPGs & LARPs, the environment and knowing what's going on

Ål Nik

visual-digital art & sound experiments // xpub grad @ pzi // rotterdam⥄sofia


#noo #nooartur #iskra #howtosavethisworld

Ria Glas

Actief lid Fietsersbond. Ik wil dat fietsen serieus wordt genomen als vervoermiddel, ook qua infrastructuur.

theh eck

On the fediverse since 2018.

"But I can tell you: live those dreams, play with them, build altars to them. It is not yet the ideal but it points in the right direction. Whether you and I and a few others will renew the world someday remains to be seen. But within ourselves we must renew it each day, otherwise we just aren't serious ... You aren't allowed to be afraid of anything, you can't consider prohibited anything that the soul desires."
- Herman Hesse, 'Demian'

Jogi Hofmüller (he/him)

he/er; earth/Erde; random stuff; #links/#left; former #taxi driver, former #social worker, sometimes artist, mostly IT; #archery; fixed rider;