(Calckey) BobbiNotTooth fedizen@evil.social

Open on evil.social

Although it may look like I follow 0 people and 0 people follow me back, I actually follow such an embarrassingly high amount, I rather not say. In my defense, I think it is kind of necessary being on a small instance. A healthy amount of follows I would hope would make for a healthy federated feed for the calckey antennas to sift through. ~125 accounts follow me.

Decided to try out calckey a few weeks ago. Been on mastodon and akkoma (
@Anti-authoritarian@outerheaven.club) for several months now. I got too much spam accounts following me to do a proper migration from mastodon at this point. If you choose to follow me, please follow me both here and my akkoma account.

Don't be shy to reach out to me about anything or just to connect. All direct messages, random replies, and random groups invites (including calckey private groups) are welcome.

I'd imagine that some of my posts are grammatically incorrect or technically incorrect. I'd happy to hear suggestions or corrections. Please feel free to send a public or private reply. Due to chronic illness and injury and other life circumstances, I don't think I will have much time on my agenda in the near future for self-study in grammar and other knowledge areas of interest.

My favorite media is currently scifi and fantasy that is sort of realistic with a heartwarming ending. I do find I am rather enjoying a few silly fantasy soaps lately, but I feel like I can be rather selective in this area, because of how ridiculous and corny silly media can get sometimes, haha.

I typically like to post about digital human rights, FOSS, and other emerging technology.

My avatar and banner pics are from my old social media accounts so previous followers can recognize me.


Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.