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Professional Text File Editor. Amateur Tooter.

Somewhere between Gen Z, Millennial, and Very Confused 🚀💻🥏.

Software Engineer working mostly with #python #golang and #postgresql at Sensible Weather.

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JP Etcheber

Getting my PhD (not really) in Jenkins 

Working at Autodesk (really)

I like Python and Docker containers.
 I like jokes and some serious things.

Be funny and entertain me.

Roman Right :python: :rust:

Author of
| AnnaDB - NoSQL data store
| Beanie - Python ODM for MongoDB

Michael Kennedy

A Python enthusiast and entrepreneur. Host of @talkpython and @pythonbytes podcasts, founder of Talk Python Training. #Python Software Foundation Fellow. Based in Portland, OR USA.

David Beazley

Free-range computer scientist living in Evanston, Illinois. Former academic. I teach computer science courses, but you'll probably find me yapping on about bikes, dogs, and other random stuff here. I wrote the Python Cookbook, 3rd Ed (O'Reilly) and Python Distilled (Addison-Wesley). Teaching CSCI 1730, Design and Implementation of Programming Languages at in Fall 2023!

Timothée Mazzucotelli :python:

I'm an open-source developer! Author of mkdocstrings :)

Paul McGuire

Author/maintainer of #pyparsing, #littletable, #plusminus - I do digital art when I get the time. Co-author of "Python in a Nutshell, 4th Ed". #python #pynutshell4

Kristian Glass

I build technical organisations and infrastructure.
PyCon UK Treasurer. UK #Python Association Trustee. PSF Fellow. Pythonista Arsonist. Toots barely represent me, let alone anyone else. 2E0KGG. He/him.