ghose 🦥
🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.
aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.
GL | EN | ES
Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.
:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (,
Adrián Perales (Gadi)
Profesor de Lengua Castellana y Literatura con la tiza en una mano y una tablet en la otra. Hablo sobre todo de educación, cultura y tecnología.
Juanjo Salvador
Python & Django backend developer.
Not-so-skilled photographer.
Debian & @gnome lover.
Also likes anime, sci-fi, beer and mexican food, and not always talk about himself using the third person form.
soloojos (GotoSocial)
Huertero Anarquista disperso.
Santiago, Chile.
ghose 📸
📸 CC BY-SA 4.0 - mobile device and fujiX camera - outdoors, nature, run, ride, ... - manual prime lenses / openpgp4fpr:7573E5F6FC3BCF19EA11D46507A0A77E08D5B680 🗺️📍Galicia (Spain)
Small-time opensource developer, big-time opensource user from #Slovakia.
I like to #run.
Back from the dead!
I'm from the 70s. I like going off trail. I'm married. I'm a Buddhist of the generic Mahayana variety some Chan some Zen. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.
GNU Linux user, Open Hardware and Software, I like programming as a hobby. I love tinkering not only with electronics.
#selfhosted #python #micropython #rust #golang #KiCAD #FreeCAD #LibreCAD #esp32 #floss #photography #aikido #emacs
Ben Gunn ☠️🦜🎬📚🐧:debian:
“Por lo que hace á tí Benjamín Gunn, me dijeron al partir, aquí tienes un mosquete, un pico y una azada: quédate aquí y encuentra para tí solo el tesoro del Capitán Flint!”
#nobot #noindex #noarchive #TheHispaniola
Los toot se borran mágicamente a los 15 días, notificaciones desactivadas :-)
Si ves que menciono un toot tuyo en vez de hacer boost tal vez sea porque no has etiquetado #alt las imágenes, cero ganas de protagonismo ;-)
Privacidade, deporte de equipo
#privacidade | #dereitosdixitais
-foto perfil: Bibi_Saint-Pol 2007 (Dominio Público, "Odysseus_Polyphemos_Cdm_Paris_190", Ulises ca tripulación cegando ao cíclope)
-foto fondo: Hugo soria 2006 (GNU-GFDL, "Galice castro", wikipedia "castro (fortificación)", Baroña, Galicia)
#biology #ecology #bioinformatics #rstats #floss #opensource #opendata #openaccess #l10n #galego
No qual narrar-se-me-ei a mim mesmo.