Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.



French guy living in Norway

Pousse-tuyaux, notamment pour Grifon et Breizh-IX.
L’IPv6 c’est la vie, et le gras aussi.
L’informatique c’est de la merde.

richards1052 ✅

Independent journalist and Israel-Palestine blogger (Tikun Olam). Exposing the Israeli national security state since 2003. Hated by all the right people!

I also publish at Middle East Eye, The New Arab, and Jacobin Magazine.

This account features links to my regular blog posts, published articles, and curates links to the sources I find interesting and important regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, American Jewish politics, and US Middle East policy.

Benoit C.

My life in full 35mm.
Biking around.
Ex @Gandi_net
Ex @Polyconseil

Mastodon : @dzen

Soliman Hindy

Informaticien de 41 ans. Aime manipuler des 0 et des 1. Fan de Metal et de science fiction.
#sysadmin #linux

Matrix :

Pierre Guinoiseau

💙💛 | Sr. Site Reliability Engineer at 🦊 GitLab 🚀

Seth Hanford 🐡

CSIRT primarily, currently doing large-scale detection engineering. I ❤️ ISO 8601

Spent a good amount of time in intelligence, ran operations for a vulnerability database, and worked a lot on some industry standards working groups CVSS (v2, v3), CPE (2.3). Did PSIRT a few places, too.

Do a lot with OpenBSD, Python, and Oxford commas. Worked as a manager for some world-class, global teams. Use that experience as a super power now that I’m back as a senior technical IC.

Antranig Vartanian :freebsd:

Co-founder @illuria, Inc. # Unix, BSD, Elixir/Erlang/OTP, InfoSec/CERT, DNS, XMPP # Toots Security, Privacy, Policy. Mostly harmless.


Free software // BSD // Comics // Europe


InfoSec, sarcasm.

Amin Khansari

🌳🦎 Passionate about socio-technical architecture, defensive design and simple boring sustainable λ code.

#dddesign #fsharp #dotnet #fedi22


“We are surrounded by insurmountable opportunities”.

Pedro Guizeline

The usual tinkerer