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CoFounder of @dt_privacy and @boldcode_io .

Loving distributed systems, poetry & chaos. Supporter of #education #basicIncome & #humanitarianTech


Johan Bleuzen

Developer. Just developer…



Et si je devenais comptable ?
Mode reconversion on.
DCG en cours.
Effacement automatique des pouets.


Cowboy from web, QA from heart
CPO #LaBookinerie, gérant #PVHLabs, co-gérant & auteur #PVHÉditions, auteur #LesXIISinges , hobo #Mississippi , aventurier #Louisiane et #PapaALaMaison

Allison Price

Marketer. Stacker. Austinite. Longhorn. Margarita drinker. Celine Dion evangelist. Infrequent tweeter. Opinions = mine.

Sara Alsherif

Technology, Gender & Human Rights are where my heart is. It's not only my job; it's my lifestyle
لا للمحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين

#Africa #Egypt #UK

Jocelyne Sirois

Retired nurse, McGill grad. Concerns: Canadian health care system. Against private Health Care. Anti neoliberalism.
Féministe, indépendantiste, justice sociale.
Inquiète de dérapages possibles re: AideMédicaleÀ Mourir, MAID.
De Gatineau, Qc.

#SARSCoV2 #COVID #Québec
#Ageism #Mastolivres

Aude C

Didacticienne des sciences, engagée pour un meilleur futur 🚲🌱 !

Loïse Bilat

Compte perso. Elle.
Casseuse d'ambiance en soirée; en journée enseigne et bosse en sciences du langage.
Objets de prédilection : les jeux vidéo (GameLab UNIL-EPFL), l'institution scolaire, l'art, les chats, le néolibéralisme et l'écologie politique.
Bienheureuse maman solo fatiguée.
24/7 en lutte face aux violences capitalistes, sexistes, fascistes et productivistes.
Base: sixième internationale Jura Suisse.

Heather McLaughlin

Systems geek. Ecojustice=social justice. #therapist #systems #artTherapist #sustainability #degrowth #compassion #complexity #ecology #climate #attachment #relationships

Art therapist, psychotherapist, couple & family therapist. Senior Lecturer Concordia University, Tiohtià:ke/Montréal. Director Concordia Arts in Health Centre. #academicmastodon

Trying to figure out how to be useful in terrible times, finding beauty in connection, hope in complexity.

There will be Daisy the #Airedale posts.

Anna Anthro

College Political #Anthropology Prof. Sharing the Interesting. Not always my position. 

Bees, Birds, Plants, or #kdrama slip in. 
Argentine during World Cup. 
Occasionally post in French or Spanish. 

Migrated from the bird site in Oct ‘22 wave. 

Avatar: Thinking Chimp

Header: Young Humpback whale diving in Montreal’s Old Port, first ever. 500 km off course. June 2020.

Home: Tio’tia:ke, aka Montréal, Qc. CA