Futurist Jim Carroll jimcarroll@futurist.info

Open on futurist.info

Single user Mastodon #selfhost

Online since '82 - BBS, Source, Compuserve, BIX, WELL, Usenet, uucp

Wrote 34 books in 90s on 'Net/tech; had 3 radio shows, many news columns, mags, etc


30 yrs on global stages speaking on disruptive trends, innovation, creativity, future. Represented by Harry Walker Agency, Washington Speakers, BigSpeak etc. Clients like NASA, PGA, Pfizer tfr

Linux / PI / OS/x

Tesla guy. Love the car, not the guy

Guelph, Canada!

13 HCP



Jeremy Herve @jeremy@fedi.jeremy.hu

WordPress, TV Series, music, kids, and board games. I think that's probably the best way to define me in a few words. 🙂

I work at Automattic on the Jetpack plugin and its infrastructure. You'll consequently find me talking about WordPress things a lot, but also about all things open source in general.

I am French and live in Brittany, so I will post in French from time to time, as well as share pictures of our beautiful Brittany. 🙂

You can also follow my blog on the Fediverse at @jeremy, for more long-form updates.

Pronouns: He/Him

theliberatededge @the_liberated_edge@gts.theliberatededge.org

This is the Mastodon/GoToSocial profile of The Liberated Edge. Here we discuss self hosting, technology, open source (everything), software engineering, and digital liberation.