Karl T. karlht@emacs.ch

Open on emacs.ch

I started using GNU #Emacs 18.24 in 1987 or so, at UC Berkeley on SunOS 3.2. I've never been a hardcore elisp hacker, but I have tinkered here and there. I have an abiding fondness for #OrgMode, and use it whenever I get the chance.

My machines these days run #Debian, #VoidLinux, #OpenBSD, and #FreeBSD. I do most of my "playful programming" on an ancient #ThinkPad T60.

Berkeley was also where I learned #TclTk, which I still use as my scripting language of choice.


Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.