kimothy siddon

Open on

lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white.
you may remember me from such classics as @grufwub.
i have what the kids call, mental health. life is a lot.
enjoyer of oats. appreciator of cats.

professional backend engineer (big tech sucks).
core gotosocial developer (and bug contributor).
write mostly Go and sh. also: Rust, PHP, Python, ACAB.

anarcho somethingivist.
nuance is dead.

the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance. and milk.
working on dealing with a lifetime of assimilated systemic bigotry.
the onus isn't on you, but if you do call me on shit, it is appreciated.
owning up to and working on my shit are important to me.

i love my wife @goat


wb x64

I program and do infosec/privacy, and like resisting all forms of oppression, thinking about creating good systems, and homesteading.

Daniele Metilli

Digital humanist, PhD. Research fellow at UCL Department of Information Studies, #SloaneLab & #WiGeDi projects. Antifascist. Non-binary (they/them) #TransRightsAreHumanRights 🏳️‍⚧️ #BlackLivesMatter

Scott Feeney

The tech account of @scott.

Programming stuff here, bikes/transit/local politics over there.

Vyr 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

🔞, hellspawned codeweaver, type safety snob, #Swift and #Rust perpetrator, Mastodon full text search fangirl, #Feditext <> contributor, i also have hobbies that aren't computer touching i swear


European 🇪🇺, queer 🏳️‍🌈 demi-guy.

I do tech capitalism by day ☀️ because there's bills to pay. I try to ensure my employer doesn't do anything evil. I do open-sourcery ⚗️ by night 🌙 as a Pion maintainer and contributor to whatever I deem valuable.

Anyone debating another human being's right to live a happy, healthy, worry-free and fulfilling life is on the wrong side of history and isn't welcome here 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇺🇳.

Mr Telegraph

Wires, Cables and Other Such Sorts of Things

It / Its

max frühschütz – нет войне

computer stuff doer

interests: #Coffee, #Typography, #LogoDesign, #MechanicalKeyboards, #Trains, #CommonLisp, #Clojure, #Guile, #Racket, #Brutalism, #Constructivism, #Bauhaus

simple ≠ easy, simple + easy is where legends are born

i want to live in a world where everyone contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs.

Devin Prater :blind:

I am blind. Because of course I have to mention it in my profile. Accessibility drives me. I use all the major operating systems in some way, and find great things about all of them. I also enjoy reading, eating, relaxing, eating more, and chatting. I want to be a cat when I grow up.

My opinions are my own, and definitely do not reflect those of [my employer](

read minds 🧠 fuck books

hey i'm alice

if you try to follow me and i see anticommunist shit when i check your profile i will make fun of you in front of the whole class

"just enough of a snitch to be a little shit about it"
–the one and only tesse

"you apparently just DONT HAVE BONES"

"if you were an animal crossing you'd be d.m. slider"

my wife ❤️ @rachel is the bog queen
❤️ @PhoebeWallerPalladino
❤️ @LaComtesseRouge
❤️ @katarzyna


sleep (they/them)

performer of gay rituals. sleepy binch. they/them.


Husband, and father of a 3.5 yo.

Work mostly on the hardware side of #HPC at a University datacenter in the US

Dabble in #python and a fan of many #FOSS projects.

Other interests include:


Alexander (Sasha) Wait Zaranek

#Arvados founder; Harvard Personal Genome Project (PGP) and #Curii co-founder.

Boosts welcome on all posts (unlisted / followers-only included.)

Photo: closeup of me wearing p100 mask which covers most of my face; wearing scarf, glasses are dark, messy red hair and earrings.

Banner: Blue Sea Lake, Quebec, Canada.

#AI #BigData #Genomics #FreeKnowledge #FreedomToTinker #RightToRepair #FOSS #OpenScience #QuantumInformation #Aphantasia #Vegan #Fedi22