leah leah@fedi.ctu.cx

Open on fedi.ctu.cx

leah, she/her, lvl 25, 🏳️‍⚧️, :nix_snowflake_trans_anarchy:, :antifa:

You may know me from here: @leah

This is currently just a test-instance, but at some point it will be my new main-instance.
Federation bugs may occur, since i try to recycle the account domain from a previous instance.

You are allowed to follow me here (and requested to follow me, if you follow my current main) - but keep in mind i will mostly post at my current main until i completely moved here.


seo lumi @seo@eldritch.cafe

mag Musik, Kunst und Bäume | white | queer | non-binary | sie/she/they

find me also @yukibecks

sēo mit Makron sprich seeo, wegen Barrierfreiheit im Profilnamen ohne

Viooooo c: @vio@zug.network

Züge, Computer, Cute-sein

Z̈oé :antifa: @uint8_t@chaos.social

this field left blank intentionally

Franziska @kunsi@chaos.social

Drückt auf Knöpfe, um Sand dazu zu bringen, kleine Lämpchen einzuschalten.

Personal vom @flauschehorn
Profilbild von @leah

Nakustik @nakustik@chaos.social

Linux, sw engineering, AvSec and CRITIS cat. Metalhead. Likes trains. Emotional support creature. Used to kill watches. Misc topics/langs posts. 🏳️‍⚧️

Erwin Ernst eest9 Steinhammer @eest9@chaos.social

executive board member @c3wien ∆ I'm studying socioeconomics with a background in political science ∆ research about the #fediverese and the digital public sphere ∆ dyslexic ∆ bi/pan

Laura ~ zotan @zotan@estrogen.network

infrastructure witch 🧙‍♀️

​:anarchy:​ & ​:antifa:​
​:trans_flag:​ + ​:lesbian_flag:​ = ​:transbian:​

obligatory ACAB.
​:ancom:​ ​:anqueer:​

21, she/they, trans, autistic, disabled & traumaqueer, very gay, polyam, plural

likes: trains, drugs, queer people

I do computery things sometimes

I only have a dark account and you are looking at it.

I will likely not accept your follow request if I don't know you from somewhere. Me liking your post does not fulfill that criteria. Following back is always appreciated, however.

Leah Neukirchen @leah@blahaj.social

Just another random shark-hugging girl. · queerfeminist ⚧ trans 🏳️‍🌈 bi 💞 polyam ✨ white

kameraad kip van den bos @tobi@goblin.technology

It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. I like books and 90s action films and putting bugs in the code.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and stuff.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked though, I am very block happy!

Also, I block folks who post un-CW'd doom politics, and unfollow people who boost such things, because really, come on, catch a grip.


Lis :listram: :blobcatsnuggle: :madrid_metro: @deluisa@zug.network

High Priestess of taking the direct way™
Come for the trains, stay for the shitposts, endure the puns.

26 y/o lesbiab always in search of the next place to go or move to
autistic, queer, too gay to function, chronically depressed, anxious, socially awkward

she/her | sie/ihr
please put your pronouns in your bio before requesting

Not interested in trains? Try @lis (please read profile first)

Hotaru @hotaru@chaos.social

Lockpicking, Ham Radio, Electronics

"unterflauschte Kadse"


seo @yukibecks@chaos.social

Ich mag Musik, Kunst und Bäume | white | queer | non-binary | sie/they

find me also @seo