m455 m455@dumpster.trash.town

Open on dumpster.trash.town




Thomas @tfb@functional.cafe

Lisper/Schemer, CAD software developer, Integrated Circuit metaprogrammer, dependent types enthousiast.

Programming should be more accessible. Electronic AF.

I post music stuff too, mostly Irish Trad, but not exclusively. And food, mostly Italian, but not exclusively. Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é: tea posting too.

English, Français, Deutsch. Un po d'italiano. Labhraím Gaeilge. He/him. France

Aaron Brady @insom@tiny.tilde.website

~ for breakfast, ~ for lunch, ~ for dinner

Severák @severak@tiny.tilde.website

see http://tilde.town/~severak/

vilmibm @vilmibm@tiny.tilde.website

maintainer of tilde.town, co-author of the github cli, noise musician, trash poet, eupraxsophist, soft boy

trash cat :antiverified: @trash_cat@www.librepunk.club

i'm trash cat from librepunk!

they/them, 20-something. don't touch me.

i mostly post followers-only, mostly about privacy. sometimes i say funny and/or gay things. i reject most follow requests. don't take it personally.

feel free to steal my non-personal posts, but only *without* attribution. (respect my anonymity.)

tech? no! man, see... @technomancy@icosahedron.website

tryin' to catch the last train out of Omelas


bx @bx@tiny.tilde.website

(odd creature) and (certified bit flipper)

Petra @PetraOleum@cloudisland.nz

Statistician and programmer, bad chess player, sometimes fedi bot maker, extremely amateur wildlife photographer. Formally @/formercrsc on twitter, also currently at @Petra for a slightly different crowd. Elsewhere as Petra on liberachat and the ~verse.

You may have seen my bots, @vortaro, @VoteChess, @UselessClock, @NZWeatherAlerts, and @eqnz.

Follow requests welcome.

pee@poo.com @selfsame@tiny.tilde.website

here for a long time, not a good time


Alice 🏳️‍⚧️ @dotUser@icosahedron.website

:white_transgender_flag: ♀️

increasingly ephemeral.

Private mode is set for more personal posts. Req to follow if you want, but don't be surprised/worried if I reject.

https://ko-fi.com/dotuser Buy me some caffeinated drinks?

a very weeny construct @pho4cexa@tiny.tilde.website

I make software.
AGPL3+ forever but not an rms fan.
I love my craft; I hate my industry.
40, cis, married, atheist, dad. he/him.
:BlobhajPrideHeart:​:BlobhajTransPrideHeart:​ trans rights