
Open on

You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


noise enjoyer

:marble_agender: :anarchismtrans: :stirner:

use any pronouns with me idc / usa cualquier pronombre conmigo me da lo mismo

i speak spanish and english / hablo español e inglés

i like translating stuff that i like on the internet, like books, websites, projects, etc / me gusta traducir cosas que me gustan en el internet, como libros, sitios web, proyectos, etc

i'm learning how to play the bass / estoy aprendiendo a tocar el bajo

anarcho-individualist leaning towards egoism / anarco-individualista tirando a egoísta

i usually disappear for some months, don't worry, i'll be back / a veces desaparezco por unos meses, no se preocupen, ya volveré


Smol. Grumpy. Tastes vaguely of smoked pig meats. Closer than I'd like to my sell-by date.

He/Him for preference, They/Them is fine if you're feeling that way.

Follows locked down to prevent followbots, likely to approve all requests so feel free.

I boost A Lot. Your timeline may thank you for disabling boosts from me.

Some things I like: science, 2d animation, games with interestingly convoluted systems to chew on.

<this line injected to provide the keyword " transgender " to mess with scrapers, trans rights are human rights >

I moved to

Hi, I finally moved to @maeve !

please check out my bio there instead. thank you.

Rey, glow fox :ohgod_ohfuck:

Made of Love. Tumble dry low.

Age: 40-something

Follow requests: I'm not generally accepting new followers unless we interact in some way (try DMing me to say hi!)

:acab: ⚧ :better_pride: :antifa:

Avatar by @pamela

Lilith 🏳️‍⚧️

Evil lesbian hellhound demon that haunts the internet.
Just looking to make friends. A little shy.
Currently working in IT Support!

18+ only please!


Laura <3

I (literally) do things on the internet :) :rainbow_heart:
trans lesbian | she/they | network security engineer | Nürnberg :/


"We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: Over time, without plan, on top of ruins."
- Ellen Ullman

header image:


#ActuallyAutistic, queer, fighting depression and PTSD since 1999. Loves to spread compassion and kindness. Geek. Nature lover.
Müde Aktion. EDS 🦓 and a collection of other physical illnesses.

Please refrain from unsolicited advice. If I want advice I will ask for it.
I write about mental health, trauma, depression and violence from my own perspective as a survivor.

I use and require Content Warnings. If I ever forget to add a Content Warning you would have needed please tell me.
No terfs!


(trying out Calckey) Engineer and decentralized standards rabble-rouser. Open Data and Library Socialism activist, sailor, gamer, reader. 0.5th gen immigrant (born in Ukraine, living in US currently). Feminist. Love people, dogs, other animals, books, the sea, & anticapitalist software. Summat' queer and neuro-slightly-off. Would prolly like you if we met.


developer, dad

cooperatives, governance, anarchism, feminism, queer theory, anti-racism, music, languages

Montréalais en exile / Éireannach

📍#Edmonton / Amiskwaciwâskahikan / ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ

BLUR 🔜 Anthrocon

#Furry / Kink Artist • Musician • Lucid dreamer • Streamer • Meow Mod • 33yo. ♂️🔞 👋🏽:ms_pansexual_flag:
Schizoid personality, but still trying to make society better.
Closed poly with 💙 @rhewin 💚 ThornDracorn


private alt for clar fon (light dark). feel free to follow but I am also free to reject it.

less effective at adding cws here

avatar description: a peach-coloured slugcat stressfully looking to the side with fluffy hair, whiskers, and a light left eye + right darker eye. the background is the trans flag with a non-binary flag border. this is the same slugcat as my regular profile picture, but without any accessories.

avatar made with

Vyr Cossont 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

wrote the advanced search features