mirabilos mirabilos@toot.mirbsd.org

Open on toot.mirbsd.org

I only look in here occasionally. Do not expect much interaction, for now I’m waiting out the “Freenode situation” over at Twttr. (OK, this turned out to be a lie. Apparently one has to follow people here early, because getting at posts of nōn-followees is a PITA.)
Languages: de-DE-1901, en-DE, some la, and I might understand some nl, es or similar.

When moving instances, do notify me first, otherwise I can’t follow you on your new instance (yet). My instance runs experimental software.

Mostly interested in cats. Also, good coffee☕, garlic, cats, nature, European paganism, IT (but not those new-fangled hypes; I like my Korn Shell, Assembly, used to like C; I run VMs, not (never!) containers; I hate the way people try to force systemd upon other people and avoid it and other plagues), cats, music (baroque was the peak of all music, it went downhill from there: Beethoven and Mozart were the beginning of that; love John Rutter’s though, and Nightwish/Tarja…), cats, books, good fanfiction… oh, and, did I mention? Cats! I also dare to sing and dabble a bit in #TeamRecorder, and I go geocaching, opencaching, terracaching, … and occasionally play Munzee.
Dogs and SJWs are not welcome. I don’t come here for deep social discussions or something, so don’t bother me with these. Nor with shudder… politics. And I’ll refuse follows from people who endorse ML (so-called “AI”) and/or content output by them.

My feed will include RSS posts from other activity feeds of mine (posted via daily cronjob, not in real time, so their post timestamp is irrelevant) as well as RTs and no CWs. RTs are not my own content and belong to the original poster. I often RT posts I do not understand, e.g. in foreign languages, just because the picture is nice or something.

I run my own single-user (so far, but I might admit personal acquaintances if they really want) instance of GtS so some tech trouble may be expected. No custom “emoji” (really, colon-magic-strings, which I loathed on other platforms already), but longer posts.

I’m personnel to Čara🐈‍⬛ (a rescue cat, FIP carrier and FIV+ but so lovely). Black cats are the best! (Though she’s got white socks and bikini.)


Valkyrie715 @Valkyrie715@witches.live

Eclectic Witch with Celtic, Germanic, Nordic (and a bit of Native American) ancestry, I mostly work with Hekate, The Morrigan & La Santa Muerte 🧙‍♀️

Venty 🇨🇭🫕 @Venty@chaos.social

Mich hört man hier https://www.hackerfunk.ch/

Frank Lee Call Me Burt 💙🇪🇺🌹 @BurtOHare@mastodonapp.uk

By Day: Print/Embroidery/Photography/Design: Liberty, DKNY, Stussy, Ralph Lauren, Hilfiger, Chanel. Illustrator. Double Jointed Tap Dancer.. Appliquéd Mouse 🐭 Cat Owned 🐈 Random Rambler.

By Night: Political Parody Animator/Cartoons/Collager Since Mid 2000


witchlectical runeterialist @anna@witches.live

anna. she/her. historical materialism enthusiast.

admin of witches.live. witch and #gentoo user, gamecube enthusiast, enjoyer of consumer entertainment product series "final fantasy"


lets imbue technology w/ magic step 1) take it from the bourgeois~

a practitioner of REAL magic, for intellectuals

pro-social edgelady

four parts woman, one part bat, one part goblin, one part possum

Mat Auryn :vf: @matauryn@witches.live

Author of the books Psychic Witch and Mastering Magick. Admirer of goblins, friend of satyrs, collector of creatures, hoarder of books, connoisseur of decks, and lover of naps.


🏳️‍🌈 Queer & Poly
💍 Married to @devin

Terence C. 🔰 @terencec@techhub.social

Previously abandoned social media, now trying out Mastodon. We’ll see 🤷‍♂️ 
Paid Ads Strategist with 15 years experience in Digital Marketing / Data Analysis / Graphic Design / Video Editing / Filmmaking / Photography
#ppc #googleads
California | USA

Glastomichelle@c.im @Glastomichelle@c.im

Glastonbury based landscape photographer. As part of my daily morning walk I take photographs of the local area. I feel very lucky to live in such a magical place.

jplate8 @jplate8@fosstodon.org

#PhD student / #FOSS / #TTRPG / #Conlang

trans rights are human rights

Lucas Holt @laffer1@bsd.network

MidnightBSD project lead, senior software engineer, tech geek.

Mats @mats@floss.social

Hi, ich bin Mats. Ich filme und fotografiere gerne. Ausserdem mache ich Sachen beim Teckids e.V.

Pinguin :debian: :matrix: @pinguin@floss.social

Ein kleiner, :mastodon: mögender Pinguin.
Tröötet gerne und macht Dinge bei @teckids_eV.

Mag gerne Tech, #FOSS und :debian:. Habe mal die Reihe #PinguinMagDieApp gemacht, habe aber etwas zu wenig Apps dazu.

Pronomen: sie/ihr

Ärgert sich nebenbei gerne über das Zuspätkommen von ÖPNV.

"Ich glaube dieses Jahr werde ich organisiert" - Jona (ich), 2023

Findet LGBTQ+ gut 🏳️‍🌈, so wie alle vernünftigen Trötis :)

Klampfradler 🎸🚴 @Natureshadow@floss.social

Kämpfer der hominum sapientium gegen die Verdrängung durch den hominem stultum

Free Software Fellow, head of @teckids_eV, works at @velocitux, #Debian Developer • #Python #Django #OpenStreetMap #Kids