Michael P. moderation@m17e.co

Open on m17e.co

🇦🇺. Ella's dad. Former CNCF governing board member


Jason Lavoie @oasys@mastodon.social

ratvarre sbe uver Networking, Linux, Automation, Canine Agility

Pete Lumbis @plumbis@hachyderm.io

Recovering network engineer. CCIE/CCDE.
Docs dude @upbound.io/crossplane.io

(former?) @PeteCCDE on Twitter.

🌍 Vlad A. Ionescu @vladaionescu@hachyderm.io

vladaionescu.com. Founder Earthly Technologies, Founder ShiftLeft, Ex-Google, Ex-VMware, Co-author RabbitMQ Erlang Client. Dad 👨‍👩‍👦

Joe Smith @Yasumoto@linuxrocks.online

Infrastructure Software Engineer at Neuralink, previously Slack, Twitter, and Google

Joshua McKenty @jmckenty@techhub.social

Technology and Change.
CEO of Delving, builder of software and companies. Co-founder of #openstack, Piston Cloud. Ex #NASA, #Pivotal, #netscape & circus. Father.

liljenstolpe @liljenstolpe@hachyderm.io

#NAFO, #OAE_Fella, #Fellas, AS3561, @projectcalico
creator/founder, #OAE (antarctic disambiguation), past @ietf
wg co-chair, #RYA, spreader of chaos & heresies

Heather Buchel @hbuchel@hachyderm.io

Front-end Engineer. Aggressive keyboard navigation tester. Opinions are my own. she/her

Chris @chris_schulz@hachyderm.io

Ian Mckay @ian@ian.mn

DevOps dude from Sydney 🇦🇺 | #AWS Community Hero & Ambassador | IaC & security enthusiast | Breaks basically everything | he/him

Honglin Zhang @Bootmaker@macaw.social

dad, husband, Emacs user, Moonlander keyboard, cooking; formerly worked on the Bootmaker platform at the bird factory

Greg Knauss @gknauss@mastodon.social

I blogged before rafeco@hachyderm.io.

Jacob Lisi @jtlisi@discuss.systems