
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Martha Foulds

Final-year undergrad, The West Wing fan and blind woman. Likes: public transport, tactile graphics and fizzy drinks.

Calamity Caitlin

Twitter expat. Made of love & enthusiasm. Soft by choice. MY OTP is you & your ship. She/Her #SqueeAF #WaywardAF #WritingCommunity #Queer, #Pan, #MarriedAMan

I love #Supernatural, & all SPN fans who can stand the terms of service are invited to my instance.

I have a master's in #ComputerScience, but I mostly shill my #art & #SPN plaids during the day, & write erotic fiction at night. I'm decent at it. Gonna publish more than that one original novella aaany minute now. 😂😂😂

Andre Louis

Musician, composer, husband, father, keyboard player, youtuber, teacher.
Lover of food and technology, Mac/Windows/iOS/Android.

I moved away from another instance to somewhere warmer and more comfortable.

Scott Smith

Jürgen Hubert

Translates German folk tales.

#ttrpg #pnpde #dnd #folklore

Juan P. :neurodiversity:

Montañero pero ahora soy un flatlander. En el camino vivo atrincherado a la espera de salir corriendo. En 🇫🇮 de 🇨🇴 trabajo para 🇪🇸 (It's complicated).

Admin en
La comunidad de hispanohablantes de y en #Finlandia

Es | En | Cat | Fin

#eldercare #anthropology #philosofy #silvertech #ehealth #edutech #criptoshame #hämeenlinna #decentralization #barcelona #suomi #colombia

Pseudo Nym

Place holder as I'm testing out CalcKey.

Main is

#gamer #infosec #dad #coffee #puns

I'm an older geek dad in the California bay area.

Please talk to me about
#coffee , #puns , #infosec , #books , #scifi, #ttrpg, or other geeky topics.

I like cheesy 80s pop music, Rush, and GloryHammer. No apologies.

I've discovered
#mastocats hash tag, and #mosstodon and #photography and they've all made this a much more humane place.

I like seeing the "slice of life" posts from real people. These kinds of moments are what connects us.

Pronouns: he/him

#Infosec, #nerd, #dad, older #geek.


A pasar un buen rato

⁨Arense Jurado González

Hablo castellano, català, français y português y chapurreo l'asturllionés y el galego.
Youtuber y podcaster de tecnología y accesibilidad (aficionado, claro está).
Fan incondicional de Maître GIMS y la música francesa, portuguesa, ital. y árabe. Me encanta la música española setentera, ochentera, noventera (Joaquín Sabina, Joan Manuel Serrat, Nino Bravo...) y el pop de los 2000 (Bustamante, Bisbal, La Oreja de van Gogh...).
Nada me para y menos mi sordoceguera.
Aprendiz de todo y sabio de nada.

Amanda Carson

Indieweb afficionado, book lover, jazz lover, and I love to cook. My day job is web developer with a focus on web accessibility, mostly WordPress but also plain old HTML, CSS and PHP. #indieweb #a11y #WordPress #Jewish #Jews #mazeldon #jewniverse


Lector , Cuenta Cuentos, Conciencia Social
Diseñador Gráfico

Óscar Gorri

Aprendiz de todo y sabio de nada.
Cuanto más alto me pongan el listón más fácilmente pasaré por debajo.