
Open on

maybe 6 raccoons in a trench coat.
various shenanigans in different places.
german/english/recovering bits of french and spanish.
:anarchist_black_cat: :relationship_anarchy: :netbsd:

macht macht kaputt also macht macht kaputt


Leah Neukirchen

Just another random shark-hugging girl. · queerfeminist ⚧ trans 🏳️‍🌈 bi 💞 polyam ✨ white

trissc̈hen (old account)

now at @trisschen

🏳️‍🌈, ~30yo, Rhein-Neckar
:lesbian_heart: :heart_lesbian_sappho: :heart_nb: :heart_aro: :heart_polyam:
"ganz langweilig binär"
Kennt ein paar Worte aus den Bereichen Verkehr und Technik
Tiddy warm and soft.

Might flirt with you, probably either unintentionally or unnoticed


Maybe 6 raccoons in a trench coat. Various shenanigans in different places. German/English/recovering bits of French and Spanish.

bee (pride edition) :heart_nb:

Hello, I'm Dee, sometimes known as DeeUnderscore.

My instance is broken. My replies may never reach you.

People have alleged that I exist. Regardless of whether I do or not, I am an adult. I post about stuff, things, and assorted nonsense. I'm trash with some positive qualities.

I am hopeless at approving follow requests (seriously, sometimes it takes me weeks). To make it easier for me, please don't be Bad if you send one. I prefer it when I can read your vibe from your profile.

You can reply to me even if we're strangers, but please do not do so to argue or be snarky at me.

enby :heart_nb: they/them or ze/zem/zir

but there's fire in our dreams


hexchen. chaotic trans girl. she/her. interested in networking, reversing, electronics. vaguely a part of c3voc. occasionally i don't like vowels. i like trains!

please send me a DM with your follow request, either saying why you want to follow me or just a random fact about anything. I will otherwise only look at your follow request when i get around to looking at follow requests, which is not often.

📷 profile picture:
📷 banner:

if we know each other, feel free to follow request my alt!
dayjob-specific account is

^,,^ :flanell:

Meow :antifa:
Wenn wir uns mal IRL gesehen haben, akzeptiere ich eine Folgeanfrage wahrscheinlich. Wenn nicht, dann nur manchmal / je nach dem.
Sad: @x10555

All my public posts (should) have image descriptions, private posts sometimes don't (but I can add one on request)

eena meena me

expert cat lady. transparent. bi s/witch. the 💜 life of @meena

The blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb.

(everything i write is CC BY-NC-SA)

Jenn the local weather witch.

Learning the last part of being a midnight weather witch. Unfortunately that's the hardest part. Older. Used to be a competitive fighting game player. Degree in economics taught me not to be an economist.

Ornella 🇧🇫

founder and CTO of this 1-person server

I have a dog named Pixie. This is a Pixie fan account.

Avatar: photo de moi, une femme avec des cheveux frisés, penchée par une fenêtre de rez-de-chaussée, souriant vers l'objectif


Archsorceress of the deepest low end :yell:

Mistress of the moon and all her lovers :heart_lesbian:

Architect of beauty and madness :meowIdea:

Artificer of machines not even the gods would dream to create :engiqueer:

My art will shatter the ground upon which you stand :blob_anar_raccoon_flamethrower:

Mildly megalomaniac :meowShrugSmirk:

"Very based and gong pilled"

Follow requests welcome, but not necessarily accepted. Feel free to say meowdy! :meowthumbsup:

Umberto Ecco

Retro computer hacker and CRT enthusiast.

Spherical dumpster fire in a vacuum.

Apple fan, but only, like, the good Apple.


I guess it’s just a modern disease