meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞



gay | pansexual | polyam | plural | Sexuality:
System that makes the networks go zippity zoop faster, especially TCP/IP and telco networks. Also has a passion for automation, security, and functional programming!

Contains at least one snek lady in a disappointingly human body
The opinions here are our own. Whose else would they be?

also @tammy

Short Cord 🏳️‍⚧️🐀

Mousewife wannabe

I'm a maus on the interwebs that will most likely "like" your content and never comment, for I am very shy ;~;

An American who wishes to not be and will be moving to Berlin soon, hopefully.
I on occasion ramble about tech, LGBTQ+ stuff, simulation stuff (racing and flight), US political hellscape (CW'd and very rarely), and just about anything else I can think of.
I tend to ramble into the void so be prepared.
Images used on my profile and banner are commissioned by me.



I'm alive!

chaos ΘΔ& (it/he)

it/he; vessel age 20; kind of not-a-person plural genderfucky schizofag nonbiney dykeboy freakthing; public universal boysister; lesbian boy

by following this account you agree not to report us to authorities for anything relating to suicidal thoughts or self harming (usually done as kink) activity regardless of severity as this puts our life at substantially more risk than anything i can inflict upon myself

boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

most posts locked to followers due to being a paranoid mess

avatar alt: photo of glitchy platinum fox
banner alt: this user wants more friends but their personality disorder makes friendships hard


Glitch Lilian :queercatheartnb:​

This account is deprecated and will eventually be moved. No follow requests will be processed.

I like robots and foxes, i would like to be one!


@enbyfoxen somewhere else probably


hexchen. chaotic trans girl. she/her. interested in networking, reversing, electronics. vaguely a part of c3voc. occasionally i don't like vowels. i like trains!

please send me a DM with your follow request, either saying why you want to follow me or just a random fact about anything. I will otherwise only look at your follow request when i get around to looking at follow requests, which is not often.

📷 profile picture:
📷 banner:

if we know each other, feel free to follow request my alt!
dayjob-specific account is


23∪◻️∪🏳️‍⚧️∪⚢∪🏴, 💜 Abby


Estradiol-Powered Witch

Fake geek girl waiting for the effects of chest and hair fertilizer • Not-cis-admin • Lesbian • 🚆
May contain cat noises and French

Laurie 🦊

24yo, hacker, troublemaker, antifascist, permanent brainfog, caffeine addict

interested in analogue synths, reverse engineering, investigative journalism

follow requests okay


Γάτα://Αλαιν Φογτια

@fogti, but even more queer and flirty; neurodivergent ender; :demigirl_flag: ; more lewd idk; obv poly; probably won't accept most follow requests from cis-het ppl; 18+


Hacker of things, breaker of stuff. 🏳️‍⚧️