meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞



Low-level lesbian hardware hacker(s) and engineers(s). Building things for those we love~

XANTRONIX Industrial

Sexy Roomba #0926, otherwise known as property of HexCorp ( and secretly also the CEO of XANTRONIX Industrial Heavy Manufacturing Concern ( Proprietor of XANTRONIX Social.

DevOps on the streets, embedded in the sheets. Long-time software developer, hardware enthusiast, amateur radio operator, wrote an AX.25 stack for some reason. I occasionally write long form and take decent pictures.


Tóth Gábor Baltazár

nyaa *pukes onto the carpet*

disfunctional programming

currently obsessed with X11 and making a GUI framework

luna the deer (deer)

// luna! it/its
// plural deer therian θΔ, trans demigirl
// stray pet with a keyboard and IDE
// I'm 19 & account is 18+

Spicy Wasabi

Just some spicy avocado that cares about hacking electronics, the weather, and competitions. I help put together WRCCDC, CPTC, and CTFs.

beccas :v_trans: :v_lesbian:

🏳️‍⚧️ • she/they/it • tech almost-a-person • autistic • adhd • plural • poly • :over18:

Friday Ortiz

Security researcher. I like Linux and math. I have never even seen an employer's opinion.



catgirl who likes trains and hacking things. meows and headpats appreciated.

Subjekt91 DECT 9191

Nur ein Tech Freak auf der suche nach gleichgesinnten | Ein Ghost in the Shell und eine Identität der digitalen Leere | catboy Meow :3 pls pet me but be aware ill like to bite :3 | looking for a catgirl uwu | traveler of the data worlds | Level 24 and going deeper |


a sleepy young (18 y/o) clingy trans girl. i code things, listen to music, and suck at talking to people.

i used to be popular on twitter lol

boosts ≠ endorsements

stop follow requesting this account unless we are friends...

smaller, more cozy account of @maia

feel free to follow request if we're mutuals on my main, but i might not accept everyone here, if i follow you you here i want you to follow back

not a vent account, but i might vent (with cw) sometimes on here


Ⓐ ☭ ∅ ∞