Aaron Bieber qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=


TinyGo @TinyGo@mastodon.social

TinyGo - a Go compiler for small places. Targeting embedded systems/microcontrollers, WebAssembly (wasm/wasi), and command line tools.


animesh @animesh@mastodon.social

observer, developer, hobbyist [sysadmin|photographer|philosopher]


smellsofbikes @smellsofbikes@mastodon.social

electron rancher, bicycle medic. Colorado. Ex-G+ user. Femtoinfluencer.
Some current projects: 3d printed, lost-PLA casting of a fuel injection manifold for an old car, building/characterizing a peltier cooler based atmospheric water generator, restoring retrocomputing equipment for the Media Archaeology Library at University of Colorado Boulder, and trying to improve my jumping skills enough to do a mountain bike jump over train tracks. 少し日本語を話します。

Miod Vallat @miodvallat@hostux.social

#Auvergnat cha(t)fouin et retors
Cartes postales du #Cantal
Prédateur naturel du #fromage
#OpenBSD villain
Rugby XV (ASM, SACA) & XIII (Dracs, TO)

Fredrik Engberg @haddock@bsd.network

#openbsd tinkerer and hobby brewer

jim hoffman @jimh@social.sdf.org

Ionut Balosin @ionutbalosin@mastodon.social

Software Architect | Technical Trainer | Security Champion | Speaker | Blogger | www.ionutbalosin.com

🇺🇦 non-standard nerd @brouhaha@mastodon.social

#microcontroller #firmware #FPGA #SDR (SW Defined Radio)
#nonpareil HP calculator simulation at microcode level
CHM PDP-1 Restoration Team
Damned dirty ape
Call sign N2ES
cis male
Not a tame programmer
in #Colorado, not far from #Denver

horia @horia@honk.vedetta.com

just a simple OpenBSD appreciator

destroyer of productivity @thfr@bsd.network

#medicine #openbsd #games #playonbsd #clinicalinformatics... I hang out on freenode #openbsd-gaming. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tom Smyth Loves BSD Networking @ogmaconnect@bsd.network

IP Network and Security Engineer, ISP Operator, Trying to be an Entrepreneur, I appreciate attention to detail. Interested in Security, Stability and BSD.
basically I spend my days / nights identifying bottle necks on networks and trying to remove them ... it is an iterative process ... but one that is rewarding for me and my users / clients

MrBadger42 @mrbadger42@mastodon.world

I am a writer. I dream for my world. Retired SW/FW eng. Agile and Open Source Advocate. Tech PM. Portland OR. Progressive views are my own. 😄
#beekeeping #pacificcresttrail #3Dprinting #writing #SciFi #fantasy #SpeculativeFiction