rl_dane rl_dane@alpha.polymaths.social

Open on alpha.polymaths.social

Checking out this alpha instance of GtS

I still love #fosstodon, but man, I can't say no to huuuuge post size limits ;)

Imported profile from fosstodon:

Involuntary time-traveler, recipient of offensive grace. Quasi-technical Linux and FOSS enthusiast. Armchair privacy advocate

Profile pic courtesy of neofetch: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch

Header image courtesy of NASA: https://unsplash.com/photos/Q1p7bh3SHj8

My #interests:




Mike Johnson @mrj@fosstodon.org

Currently a Director of Engineering using mainly Go, Python and Typescript.

My first free software contributions were probably to AbiWord back in 2000-something. I've been using Linux on the desktop since floppy disks were the main installation method.

rather be offshore.

Theophilus 🇻🇦 @theophilus79@mastodon.social

Roman Catholic. INTJ-A introvert with high-function autism and OCD. Linux (Debian/Suse) and Open-Source geek. Amateur photographer. Homeschooler. M.Sc. Linguistics. Kansan.

Bruno Miguel @brunomiguel@masto.pt

In July 2020, I started feeling constant, acute pain and was later diagnosed with #fibromyalgia. I've been in pain 24/7 since it started.

#photography is a passion of mine. I'm an amateur, but I can't stop shooting pictures.

I'll be tooting in pt-PT and en-US/en-GB.

#FOSS ftw! #Privacy ftw! ✌️

LittleGravitas @littlegravitas@c.im

UK citizen resident in EU. Radical left centrist liberal. Hates Brexit. Would like my Freedom of Movement back! Keen to get rid of an obnoxious populist UK government. Interested in politics, languages, reading.

Yasser Kerbache 🇵🇸 @VaronKING@fosstodon.org

Free and open-source software advocate.
Aspiring FOSS developer.

Long live :linux:!

The Doctor @theDoctor@fosstodon.org

:neovim: :nextcloud: :thunderbird: :signal: :tor: :rust: :python: :fedora: :lineageos: :fdroid: :linux:
Howdy, I am the Doctor! If you wanna get in contact, shoot me a DM. You can get my Threema ID on request to discuss anything more sensitive.

If you do get in contact, prepare to be converted to our Lord and Saviour Rust.

Posts are deleted after a month.


Profoundly Nerdy @profoundlynerdy@bitbang.social

Eric Buijs @ericbuijs@fosstodon.org

free/libre software, open data, open standards activist with a grudge against big tech, big IP holders and authoritarian governments.

I'm actively trying to stop the suffering of the animals and the global collapse of our ecosystem.

In addition I'm also a bicycle enthusiast. The bicycle is one of the most energy efficient ways of transportation and as far as I'm concerned the most fun way.

#freesoftware #3dprinting #bicycle #animalrights

jfenn2199 :linux: :slackware: @jfenn2199@fosstodon.org

Open Source enthusiast since 2001; Slackware user; arm SBC obsessed; amateur bicycle mechanic; cat dad

matthew - retroedge.tech @matthew@social.retroedge.tech

Work: computer repair, refurbished computer sales, sysadmin
Interests: many

#sysadmin #linux #bsd #netbsd #debian #devuan #lua #neovim

#voluntaryism #agorism #distributism

thestrangelet :fedora: @thestrangelet@fosstodon.org

Staff #SiteReliabilityEngineer #SRE and #FOSS enthusiast that is exhausted by surveillance capitalism and techno-dystopia. Love #Music, #Books, #Synthesizers. Coldbrew Advocate. Feral Leftist. He/Him.

AdamSher :fedora: @AdamSher@mstdn.social

IT Director by day. Aspiring entrepreneur and indie game developer by night. World traveler whenever I get the chance. Opinions my own and are probably about #Linux, #FOSS, and #Coding. He/him.