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Developer living in Larvik, Norway. Co-owner of the cyber security business @skyfritt (translates to 'cloudless'). #linux #FOSS #infosec #drugpolicy

This is my English / international fediverse account. My other accounts:

All content produced by me (text, images etc) is published under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 /


Per Helge Berrefjord

Posting mainly photos from present endavours and archive stuff of all kinds occasionally. Retired journalist, editor, publisher, photographer and visual artist. Founding editor of Computerworld Norway 1983. These days a working woodturner at
Norwegian Mastodon profile:
#fedi22 #woodturning #photography Administrator

Frank Paul Silye

Loves life and holding a camera. 
Happily married (with @NanetteNielsen), father of two boys and a Bengal cat. Often seen on a longtail e-bike.

Oslo - Copenhagen - Mindszent

Project Manager and Senior Engineer, Section for Digital Communication Platforms at University of Oslo, Norway.

Interested in authentication (MFA and passkeys), digital workflows (playbooks), MS365, Azure AD, macOS, Haiku OS, Mattermost, Nextcloud and ServiceNow.

Antti Halla

Data, software, systems. Doctoral studies: uncertain models for water mgmt in ag. Finland. Generally interested in interesting things, wondering where to tap.

Francis Augusto 🇳🇴/🇧🇷/:bahia:

Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay

I am a Norwegian/Brazilian IT Engineer (and an ex-lawyer).

I am a member of the Green Party (MDG) in Norway, though personally I am a bit further left in the political spectrum. I don't know if I should try to fix the world or start a new Kubernetes cluster.
My interests are:

- IT
- Politics
- #apple
- #coding
- #linux
- #running
- #sourdough bread baking
- #vegan
- #virtualization
- #glaucoma

Aaaand I started

Frank Paul Silye

Loves life and holding a camera. 
Happily married (with @NanetteNielsen), father of two boys, and owner of a Bengal cat. Often seen on a longtail e-bike.

Oslo - Copenhagen - Mindszent

Project Manager and Senior Engineer, Section for Digital Communication Platforms at University of Oslo, Norway.

Interested in (two-factor) authentication, passwordless, digital workflows (playbooks), MS365, Azure AD, macOS, Haiku OS, Mattermost, Nextcloud and ServiceNow.

Stian Slotterøy Johnsen

Fotball-, teknologi- og politikkinteressert generalsekretær i Frivillighet Norge. Spør meg gjerne om frivillige organisasjoner, sivilsamfunn eller momskompensasjon! Prøver for tiden ut Mastodon mens jeg venter på hva som skjer med Twitter hvor jeg er @sosialestian.

Loukas Christodoulou

Always eager to help. There are no stupid questions.

Journalist, teacher, anarchist

14 years experience at Swedish public broadcaster SR. London-born Stockholmer.

#autistic #disabled #queer #trans #anarchist #libertarian

Image: profile picture is my head and shoulders against a poster of lots of trees.
Background picture is a roofed bridge with bright colours.

searchable via

Martin Larsson

Tycker om kaffe, biskvier och katter. Jobbar med administration/förvaltning av system på högskola. Tidigare gymnasielärare. Lyssnar på bra musik och spelar roliga spel.

Allt kommer att bli bra.

Jostein Fossheim

Philosopher, father, privacy advocate, CEO, IT-security- and wine-specialist

Jack of all trades

I'm here to learn about the world.

I post about politics, climate change, economics, philosophy, being a father, programming, games, and more.