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a human i think [he/they]

i post about hyperfixations and also my mood occasionally. would like to make friends on fedi :)

"oh my god seb you should not be allowed to write c code" - @ecs

occasionally my avatar changes between various colors in the NES color palette, don't worry about it it just does that sometimes

[insert clever and potentially humorous thing here]



"I own a flower myself," he continued, "which I water every day. I own three volcanoes, which I rake out every week. I even rake out the extinct one. You never know. So it's of some use to my volcanoes, and it's useful to my flower, that I own them. But you're not useful to the stars." The businessman opened his mouth but found nothing to say in reply, and the little prince went on his way.


I like programming, mathematics and typesetting.

I currenly write program in C, maybe more languages later..

I use troff for typesetting. Long live troff!


Software developer. I like good design and good engineering. Interested in art but pretty bad at it. In my free time, I make computers cry. I am pretty bland and shallow myself, but I find other people very interesting. Still figuring things out. he/him


Libre software engineer with physics background.

Maintainer for @hare date/time.

.py .go .ha ...

en es ...

:vim: \t <dl> agpl posix 9p


A personified train of thoughts on computer stuff (how original!) and whatever I'm invested in at the moment.

Might be annoying sometimes, sorry :meowShrug:

Fishing minigame apologists DNI /lh

I rewrite this bio completely every now and then :blobfox3c:


Sebastian LaVine

I'm a CS undergrad at RIT. I write code and like to hang around other people that do too.

I also have a life.


East Midlands, UK. Ex cop. Post humour, art and good stuff. My posts may not be totally original, I follow all views without endorsement. I block those who want arguments on here. LCFC.

Ⓐ Beautiful AnarKitty Ⓐ

Academically physicist, have worked on firmware, data engineering, data science, cloud and database infrastructure. Here for anarchy and memes. I own a house where I live with my sister, my cat and her dog, and I may post cute animal pictures. I am non-binary, genderfaunet/trans masc #searchable #tootfinder #they/them


jackson ❎

doing random, saying random, and yelling random

lost time system

lost time system
plural, transfem

streamer & graphic designer

engaged to @joker <3

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