
Open on

Rustacean, craftswoman, geek



Dave Anderson

Software developer by day (Tailscale), other kinds of nerd the rest of the time. ADHD says current hobbies are 3D printers, building CNC machines, tinkering with NixOS, and general shitposting on whatever grabs my interest.

Nazis, TERFs, other terrible people: please go away, there's nothing for you here.


scott cazan (he/him). coder, artist, engineer, educator. interested in experimental music, networks, rust, coding, theory, the politics inherent in technology. currently working as a software developer.


A derpy eurasian eagle-owl!


CS drop-out, is into #linux, #crypto, #decentralization, #matrix, #rustlang, #containers and #ansible


19f cat she/her berlin

🩷 2019

🩷 2022

🩷 2022

🩷 2023

💙 2023

🩷 2023

looking to make friends, especially IRL

i like: veganism, drugs, cute beings, breaking things, reversing, rust, veganism

i am trans and otherkin

diagnosed ASD, BPD


Kayla Eilhart

Geek and gamer girl, coffee lover, sci-fi reader.

#linux #fedora #gaming #scifi #fantasy #infosec

Christian Schneider

Rational hippie 🦄, (slightly) annoying vegan 🥦, nerdy poof 🏳️‍🌈. Interested in #politics #collaboration #verkehrswende #energiewende #cohousing #makerspaces #linux #rust #bevyengine #foss #openhardware. he/him
Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
مرگ بر دیکتاتور


We are living in judgemental society, critism, but for me peace ✌️ and love is my agenda, I respect all the creatures, I am a human not perfect correct me if I'm wrong, life is a test and is temporary, I love all colors, no descrimination, no Separation no segregation. Unification I stand for, justification,.. 🇬🇲 🇬🇲 🇬🇲 My homeland, though politics make country very complicated for its citizens,, be kind to human not only that but animals too

musicmatze :rust: :nixos:

Rust, NixOS, Minimal/Techno/Trance/PsyTrance

:rust: :nixos: :neovim: :ms_music_notes:

Languages: EN , DE

Works on Rust OSS professionally and fulltime <3
You can also #hireme part-time for #Rust or #NixOS things!

(Came from, joined mastodon first in 2018)


Emily & Evi

Are eevees!

Follow requests welcome and will accept if you seem nice ^^


Fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox fox 🐾

If we know each other, DM for nintendo switch or 3DS friend codes

DMs open

Yes, soru talks in third person about herself ^-^

Toots self-destruct after two months, except if soru starred them herself.