
Open on

Rustacean, craftswoman, geek



Grace :v_trans: :v_bi: :v_enby: :v_pat:

Currently studying pharmaceutical sciences and endocrinology, hoping to start a pharmaceutical startup; I'm not sure if I'm actually good enough at it for it to work though. I'm also trying to be more fem, but I'm failing at that too.
I'm aceflux now, i guess
I'm a fragile bitch, hold me tightly pls
Ich lerne Deutsch.
My pinned posts are there for a reason, read them.

chaos ΘΔ& (it/he/she)

it/he/she; vessel age 20; kind of not-a-person plural genderfucky schizofag nonbiney dykeboy freakthing; public universal boysister; lesbian boy

by following this account you agree not to report us to authorities for anything relating to suicidal thoughts or self harming (usually done as kink) activity regardless of severity as this puts our life at substantially more risk than anything i can inflict upon myself

boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

most posts locked to followers due to being a paranoid mess

avatar alt: a selfie of our vessel, a white androgenous human body, with hair going over side of face colours going from dark blue to blue to purple to violet purple, thin famed glasses, a black tshirt with some green graphics, in a bedroom
banner alt: this user wants more friends but their personality disorder makes friendships hard

Amber Camille Æonja Dusk Hope Dahlia Hera Vivian Dawn luci Ixia Azalea Nemesis Harmonia

alt account for

she/her they/them it/its fae/faer

Adrian Fry

Musician and repairer/restorer of many things (reuse/recycle). Aberdeenshire. Lover of nature, leftwing, green, atheist, pacifist. Pro- democracy, electoral reform (PR not FPTP), republic, international cooperation (not Brexit), and steady-state economics. Deeply concerned about climate change. XR. Scotland should be allowed a vote on independence.

Posts automatically deleted after three months. Birdsite muted – let's promote & grow the Fediverse.

Like = agree/empathise/like
Boost = share

Halla Rempt

Maintaining foss digital painting app Krita, a woman and according to my wife, a lady. I paint, sculpt and like languages. Also RPG:



lokální kvír špína

*Trans*itional State Dictator

English: they/she
Español: elle/ella
Polski: Ona

Cat mom, veganarchist, amateur radio operator, math nerd and programmer, EMT, martial arts student.

18+ only followers please.

Gray ace & demisexual (but sex+), lesbian with theoretical pansexual tendencies, nb trans fem woman.

All OC licensed CC0 (unless otherwise noted), attribution appreciated but not required (please don't attribute on Facebook).

Tips are appreciated:


Matthew Fennell

I'm a software engineer based in the UK, who loves #FreeSoftware and #DigitalRights.
I have a particular interest in #FreeSoftwareGames.
Otherwise, I'm a fan of all things #Motorsport - especially #EnduranceRacing, #Karting and #SimRacing.

Mayanja Justice

My name is justice mayanja an lgbtiq from horrible Kenya kakuma refugee camp with my fellow lgbtiq people facing alot of difficulty and challenges, persecution, brutality , attacks regularly with petrol bombs towards our shelters, regularly homophobic threats with pangas, lesbians always selling off their bodies to get food and pads we are therefore requesting for your support through donating anything you have on our GoFundMe page link


depressed enby🏳️‍⚧️ in a big city, ADHD & GD goes brrr, trauma collector, Uni Math & tech self-flagellation, Anime enjoyer, Urbanism enthusiast 🔞

Žižkoff native
(Banner by lottoryxd on twitter)


IT-technician, nerd, artist, autodidact, musician and more. Reviving old skills and adding new ones.

I welcome infodumps about git, rust and python.

White, disabled bendy person.

L'ansietat és la meva segona feina.


Mems en català i, és clar, em pots parlar en català! I també, corregeix-me sisplau.

Follow requests are fine.

[No pronouns, if the language doesn't allow for this please use a neutral or masculine form]