
Open on

Rustacean, craftswoman, geek



chaos ΘΔ& (it/he)

it/he; vessel age 20; kind of not-a-person plural genderfucky schizofag nonbiney dykeboy freakthing; public universal boysister; lesbian boy

by following this account you agree not to report us to authorities for anything relating to suicidal thoughts or self harming (usually done as kink) activity regardless of severity as this puts our life at substantially more risk than anything i can inflict upon myself

boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

most posts locked to followers due to being a paranoid mess

avatar alt: photo of glitchy platinum fox
banner alt: this user wants more friends but their personality disorder makes friendships hard


Mia Winter | Broken

Real Gaymer-grill 🏳️‍⚧️ 24
Professional Catgirl, give pets and treats
touchy, needy, emotionally, messy wreck.

I hate LLMs ("""AI""")


Speaking: 🇬🇧🇩🇪
Being: :v_trans: :v_lesbian: :v_greyace: :v_pat: :Fire_Sapphic:

Mastered: :dotnet: :java:
Good at: :html5: :css: :javascript: :python: :minecraft_pick:
Can do a little: :bash: :sql:
Will not touch: :java: :wordpress: :javascript: :vscode:

Times Gays sponsored: 7

Please have bio/posts for a vibe check
PLEASE read pinned posts

Natty :butterflyLesbian: :verifiedtrans:

Software nerd from the Czech Republic, sometimes a witch. Transbian with ADHD. Kinda Rusty. Housekeeping

Please be aware I'm a random word generator when tired or distracted, so excuse any nonsense I post

"I don't know if you're a threat to humanity or a genius or both" --
"kindly, what the fuck" --

Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
​:symbol_otherkin:​ ​:anarchy:​ ​:trans_furr_white:​ ​:vegan:​ ​:heart_nb:​

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (
especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.


Adora (She/Her)

I'm a software developer developer, a scared transgirl, a poet and a futurist in a world with no future.
I want to make the world a better place

I'm flirty and cute, but just to share love in the world, I'm taken <3


Privacy requests:
#NoBot - no interaction / scraping by bot accounts

#NoArchive - no crawling / archiving

#NoIndex / #NoSearch - do not include posts in search engine results

Laurie 🦊

24yo, hacker, troublemaker, antifascist, permanent brainfog, caffeine addict

interested in analogue synths, reverse engineering, investigative journalism

follow requests okay


Erika Autumn

Independent Musician, Producer, Singer-Songwriter 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Alex (She/Her) :transgender_heart:

Alex she/her
 and terrible at these BIO things

:heart_trans: HRT 11/Jan/2022

Yes, I'm a girl, on the internet. Deal with it.

Sysadmin background, primarily linux. Also deployment pipelines apparently.

Recently got into DnD. Re-learning how to have fun and enjoy myself.

Feel free to request a follow, but have a bio or posts. 18+ only please. Lewds are posted to follwers only on occasion but are content warned as such.

:polyarmory_icon:​ :transgender_heart: :neurodiversity:

Protect trans kids

#trans #transfemme #lgbtq+ #ND #neurodiverse #autistic #ACAB #BLM



Listen / Watch

Etsy (handmade jewellery)

Become a Patreon

Buy me a coffee

London based. they/them 🏳️‍🌈🌱


Eager follower, not expecting follow backs
Boost-intense account

Visca el Poble!
#Català #English

A la Catalunya Nova l'herba és més seca.

lost time system

lost time system
plural, transfem

streamer & graphic designer

engaged to @joker <3

recently moved from:


カプリ — 캅리 — 卡普里

Σ (A : 𝒰 α) (B : 𝒰 β) : 𝒰 (α ⊔ β) ≜
_,_ (a : A) (b : B)

g = (a: A) → f::<B>(a.g(b));

(ÿ (a) (f :b (g a) b))

am gay