
Open on

agender | vegan | antifascist | intersectional feminist | relationship anarchist

Only follow if we know each other (i.e., I know who you are).


Laniakea, Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Karlsruhe, @space



chaos ΘΔ& (it/he/she)

it/he/she; vessel age 20; kind of not-a-person plural genderfucky schizofag nonbiney dykeboy freakthing; public universal boysister; lesbian boy

by following this account you agree not to report us to authorities for anything relating to suicidal thoughts or self harming (usually done as kink) activity regardless of severity as this puts our life at substantially more risk than anything i can inflict upon myself

boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

most posts locked to followers due to being a paranoid mess

avatar alt: a selfie of our vessel, a white androgenous human body, with hair going over side of face colours going from dark blue to blue to purple to violet purple, thin famed glasses, a black tshirt with some green graphics, in a bedroom
banner alt: this user wants more friends but their personality disorder makes friendships hard

leah :armadillo:

leah, she/her, lvl 24, 🏳️‍⚧️, :nix_snowflake_trans_anarchy:, :antifa:


leah, she/her, lvl 25, 🏳️‍⚧️, :nix_snowflake_trans_anarchy:, :antifa:

You may know me from here: @leah

This is currently just a test-instance, but at some point it will be my new main-instance.
Federation bugs may occur, since i try to recycle the account domain from a previous instance.

You are allowed to follow me here (and requested to follow me, if you follow my current main) - but keep in mind i will mostly post at my current main until i completely moved here.