Tamás Gulácsi tamas@social.gulacsi.eu

Open on social.gulacsi.eu

#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


heydorka @heydorka@mastodon.social

kedves tourette-szindromas • 🇭🇺🇺🇸🇬🇧 • design ops lead

Gyuri Horák 🥋 @dyuri@social.horak.hu

Black belted (shodan iaido, shodan aikido) software engineer, who still believes that simple/explicit solutions are better than complex/implicit ones.

I have beaten by own body and taken up trail running - nature is beautiful.

NemCsak1Wik @TokeViktor@mastodon.online

@nanasiagi magasembere

Amíg nem ismersz, ne mondj semmit rólam!

Nándor Horváth @nandorhorvath@mastodon.social

Retró napló @retronaplo@mastodon.social

Képes időutazás a 70-80-90-es évek világában. Retró életérzés...

@banantunder :verified: @banantunder@mstdn.social

Eugene McParland 🇺🇦 @EugeneMcParland@mastodon.ie

"Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise.“ — Cato the Elder

Elefántgyűjtő @deejayy@mastodon.social

Human version of bad pun dog. I take Ricky Gervais seriously. Playing with Angular atm.

#magyar #fedi22 #hungarian #hungary #angular

Ishan @ishands@hachyderm.io

Self taught developer, Linux user, polyglot programmer. Currently working on DDoS mitigation systems. he/him

Ку :emojione_bear:🇧🇬🇪🇺 @kunev@blewsky.social

I break things to see how they (don't?) work | I pass the butter | I sometimes push too much on the boundaries of Poe's law, it's wholly intentional | feed contains #Bulgarian, да го еба | (де)бел #хакер | !! и ≠ й ≠ ѝ !!

might understand what I'm talking about if it's related to #computers (which I tend to profoundly hate). I'm most likely thoroughly #incompetent and just love expressing my #dumb #opinions on any other subject you see me touch.

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die... Come watch TV?"

Shocking Politics @shockingpolitics@mastodon.social

Welcome to Shocking Politics! This is a place where we discuss and dissect the latest political news and events, with a focus on hard-hitting analysis and no-nonsense commentary. Join us for unfiltered discussions and a fresh perspective on today's political landscape.