technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Engineer building things, some of which rapidly disassemble according to schedule.

Formerly 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇳🇱, currently 🇯🇵.

Bruce Elrick


Self-conscious backend software guy. Into games, #Unschooling, bicycles, weird music.

David Diaz

Engineer currently in R&D at Evercast. I'm traditionally an electrical engineer specializing in electronics and computer architecture, but I've somehow managed to end up with a career in software engineering.

I'm interested in lots of things, but I'm mostly here to learn about science and tech—including electronics, programming, retrocomputing, space exploration, climate change. I don't post much.


'A beautiful new shoot from a great, tortured trunk'

nd autistic disabled plural ace she/her

Automated post deletion is set to 2 months

#LivingOnline #RightToEncryption #RightToPrivacy #RightToAnonymity #RightToPseudonymity #RightToBeSafe #RightToRepair #RightToSalvage #DigitalGardening #SelfHosting #AnyBrowser #RawText #IndieWeb #Informatica #Mathematics #Science


Developer in JC, NJ. Helps make happen.

David Edmondson

Software engineer trying to understand #linux, #qemu and friends. Spending my weekends riding bikes and failing to fix up my house. There is only #emacs.

Kevin Downey

Pretty basic dad. I work at World Singles Networks writing Clojure in Emacs. I like both the structure and the interpretation of computer programs.


I am but a humble code farmer. Work-wise, it's a bit dull. When I have the energy for non-work tech, it's probably in some obscure Lisp dialect, especially tinkering on/with, and occasionally contributing to, #fennel

My favorite covid-times pastime has been diving into weird/funky/experimental music from music scenes I haven't explored yet. If you recommend me an album, I'll give it a listen!

...I should probably fill this out properly at some point. I end up focusing on boring stuff when I have to write an intro like this. But hey, if you're still reading this, you made it to the end! Congrats!

Been Jammin

Making rocks talk to each other since 2008. Metal drummer, Aspiring #solarpunk, Epaper enthusiast, dreaming of #permacomputing. He/him

Ivan Willig

Software engineer and committed socialists. Believer in both reform and revolution.