technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

Open on

blobby tables

β†’ moved account

likes trains.
overengineering a model railway in N gauge.
learning circuit board design


moved to @dcreemer

Barry Centricsubdivision

Bleating the averages. 🐏
Mostly functional programmer and aspiring Old Git.
Pie-eating wokeratus.
Please join a union.

Nathan Sorenson

I like functional programming, collecting arxiv pdfs, trying to grok Topos Theory for years, and turning tedious problems into interesting math problems. I also like meditation and consciousness and Self Growth but am deeply suspicious of others who share this interest, in a Groucho Marxian sense

Details of my psychodrama are unimportant but fwiw I try to minimize being That Guy across a variety of dimensions


cloud-native employee working on the Datadog continuous profiler; collects rare UUIDs; #clojure #golang, #nix, #nixos, searchable

Theresa O’Connor

Hi, I'm Tess. EJ's mama, @erynofwales' girlfriend, and a self. I work in tech (I manage the Web Standards & Interoperability team at Apple) but I rarely post about it.



Level 10 Computer Mage
I like audio, especially the retro kind.


neurospicy transmasc twenty-smth
born in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΅ || lives in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­
🐈 cat dad

tinkerer of all things software & hardware
brewer of wonky mtg decks
wannabe polymath & GM
energy drink addict
ancom who didn't read enough theory (yet)

follow reqs will be screened so at least have a bio with pronouns

feel free to dm to talk about whatever !

Average Helper

she/her Β· software girl Β· brony, trekkie, nerd Β· less new every day

Just a boring, average gal who thinks she knows a thing or two.

My interactions usually mean:
⭐️ This is a particularly great post, or I enjoyed seeing it. Thank you for sharing it.
πŸ” I agree, you said it better than I could have, and/or I would like this on my wall forever.

No alt text? No boost. (My only exception is when I think the post body describes the image well enough already.)

allan ▁

Paul Rohr

Dad, startup guy. Ideas matter. Data matters. It's about we, not me.


I am but a humble code farmer. Work-wise, it's a bit dull. When I have the energy for non-work tech, it's probably in some obscure Lisp dialect, especially tinkering on/with, and occasionally contributing to, #fennel

My favorite covid-times pastime has been diving into weird/funky/experimental music from music scenes I haven't explored yet. If you recommend me an album, I'll give it a listen!

...I should probably fill this out properly at some point. I end up focusing on boring stuff when I have to write an intro like this. But hey, if you're still reading this, you made it to the end! Congrats!