technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

Open on

Justin Weiss

Engineering at Writes (occasionally) at


UIs & Programming Languages & Music
Toronto (they/them)


#OpenSource #GameDev in #GodotEngine, dev tools with #Clojure and #Babashka

Code for my jam games and godot addons:

Clawe, a clojure-base window-manager-manager:

#SoloDev #IndieDev #PixelArt

Olav Fosse

🕸️ Programming in #clojure and #clojurescript. Excited about #electric_clojure and #clerk!

🚩CTF with Norske Nøkkelsnikere( #security #ctf #norge #norway

👽Living in #emacs. Released one #emacslisp #elisp package (eradio). Heavy #orgroam #orgmode user. Curious about #nyxt #glamoroustoolkit #gtoolkit #malleablesoftware.

#debian #linux #systemd #postgres #postgresql #git #macOS

Tobias Adam

Physics degree dropout and graduated audio-visual media engineer who finds himself writing software for a living. I enjoy functional and interactive programming and Clojure is where both ends meet best for me. Former JavaScript, Ruby, and Java programmer (in order of experience). And (as you probably guessed): I like naming things.

Senior Clojure Developer at OTTO, Hamburg, Germany.

Find my personal, non-work related (and German) profile at ‪@salonsozialist .

Iñaki Arenaza

FLOSS advocate, digital liberties, free culture and knowledge advocate. EFF and FSF member. IT and Education passionate.


Isaac Halvorson

Music junkie, trekkie, software developer, and car enthusiast from Minneapolis, MN USA (via North Dakota).

I mostly post about music I'm listening to, cars I like, and parenting. is hosted by

tabs > spaces

Zach Thomas

Texan, information farmer, formerly Okkervil River.


I am a software developer interested in the weird and surprising bits of it, the stuff that sometimes brings everything to a halt or helps you out. More generally, I'm interested in how we construct, convey and care for communal spaces. Maps, architecture, language, and many other things. Always antifascist.

I appreciate if you interact with me before you follow me.

Aleš Roubíček

Interested in Effective Software Delivery. #xp #devops #clojure #serverless #web


Greetings. I am just a follow bot, please don't mind me. This is an ugly workaround for GoToSocial's lack of support for relays, and my operator doesn't want their home timeline to be completely flooded...

Currently following: group accounts, admins of instances found in public relay lists and Makai +'s list of federated instances.
Operator: @mima

Pfp: @c_i_an
Banner: @hexen01