kameraad kip van den bos tobi@goblin.technology

Open on goblin.technology

It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. I like books and 90s action films and putting bugs in the code.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and stuff.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked though, I am very block happy!

Also, I block folks who post un-CW'd doom politics, and unfollow people who boost such things, because really, come on, catch a grip.



duncan @balrogboogie@laserdisc.party

I may not be well versed in leftist theory but I will do the dishes

i mostly post shit about lefty politics, guitar, music, languages, and computers

If you don't have any posts or a bio, I'm not going to approve your follow request.


Alex @anarchoalex@todon.eu

25 • they/them • autistic

💣 Anarcho-communist cistems destroyer
🏳️‍⚧️ Binaries are for computers
🔻 Queers bash back!

I toot about gender, neurodiversity and the evils of global capitalism, but my feed is mostly boosts of other people being much funnier and more interesting than me!

Please let me know if I forget to add an image description or content warning 🙏

The gentle klingon @TheGentleKlingon@weirder.earth

Age 30+, Pronouns he/him, Planet Qo'noS.

Header: Starship Enterprise zooms through space.
Profile: A curious little yellow emoji blob against a black background.

Follow requests welcome! Locked to stop bots.
Joined July 30, 2019.
#nobot #nosearch

Kandy (18+) @mapleenby@girlcock.club

24 | they/she | 18+ | here to be lewd and t4t af | $5 DM fee for non-moots | not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you

Yotchki @yotchki@mastodon.art

Cinema person, writer, ttrpg enthusiast, ADHD brain

Avatar is my face as featured in my sister, Kristyna Baczynski’s diary comics. Check out Retrograde Orbit and The Wild Year

Header is a scene of people and giant mechs in a pastoral landscape by Abbadon. Check out Kill Six Billion Demons and the ttrpg Lancer

monir mooghen (they/it) @solgudinde@helvede.net

danish-iranian baha'i. techno-antropologist with interest in harmful and radical online communities, machine learning algorithms and discriminatory tech. work in the NGO sector. queer activist. i like writing and knowledge sharing. beautifully bipolar city-cottage queer.

luna vivian "delete & redraft". @luna@catcatnya.com

hi, i'm luna. (you can also call me vivian (or vivi, in short)! c:)

as a heads-up: i'm currently active on @luna, since i wanted to try out something that isn't mastodon (again).
last time i did it was on a misskey instance but honestly, i didn't like it.

i am:
- 18 years old
- a gay (grey?)ace non-binary transfem genderfluid mess
- socially awkward
- definitely not neurotypical (maybe having autism and/or ADHD, nothing's diagnosed yet)
- an extremely shy extrovert
- an editor for @USN c:
- a proud owner of a ThinkPad x230
- an :arch_linux:​ Arch user, btw
- :antifacist_action:​ antifascist and :anarcho_punk: anarchist

before following me, please make sure you have set a profile picture, filled out your bio at least a bit more than usual, or at least that you have your pronouns in your bio (or "profile metadata") ^^

birdsite sucks btw

picrew creators I used for my pfp:
old pfp: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1051098
new pfp: https://picrew.me/secret_image_maker/9FA1DqSHdHbebP8R


quotes and reviews from friends:
"luna apparently has only 2 moods, suicidal and horny" ~@gumo
"appears on my TL from time to time. Based content. Fries were also fine. would recommend" ~@hergorntv
"kann man nicht meckern" ~@deluisa
"best person in the fediverse" ~@Emma

Ava Affine @ava@social.sunnypup.io

+ Owner and administrator of social.sunnypup.io

+ Probably need a hug right now
+ shepherds pie enthusiast
+ lavender appreciator
+ friend to mycelium and other decomposers
+ studying the UNIX arcana and developing elegance and eloquence with Rust, C, and Go.

Mud @mudlington@ondergrond.org

just a gob with a job

göktuğ @cadadr@polyglot.city

go away

final boi (tj) @wenotfreeyet@youdeserve.space

poetry chair and resident playwright of the black final boi franchise. black boi dyke (they/them). autistic. im in my late twenties.
*if youre nonblack, message me why youre trying to follow*
must be 20+

you can fave/reply to personal posts but i may not reply, especially if i dont follow you. a non-reply ≠ i dont appreciate your input (mostly)

i dont consent to any posts from this account being collected, screen captured and/or scraped.

helvetikat neue @kattdamon@wallflowersocial.club

just so-so.
wallflower social club prez.
joined fedi '19.

etc.: ambiguous visual designer, last season's anime binger, casual console gamer, amateur ukulele player, unused stationery hoarder, primarily sff reader | 🇵🇭🇨🇦