Gay Violet

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Anarchist collective of headmates trying to make life work. Super gay, much trans, pretty autistic. Amateur computer toucher.

Please don't follow if you are a minor as we like to post lewd things occasionally.

💜 means platonic affection.

💖 @careth 💖
💖 @NebulaSys 💖

There are lots of us, but these are the people most likely to post:

🟪 Violet - they/them system voice
💽 Emily - she/her, they/them
🧊 Cube - they/them, any neopronouns
🎶 Melody - she/her, they/them
🪄 Winter - she/her
❄️ Snow - she/her
⛓️ Nixie - she/they

🟪 means all of us as a whole collective, not a distinct headmate.

Other emoji are for people who know them.


Edna (elle) :QueerCat_Trans:

she / elle
NEW here, feel free to befriend me O:)

queer czech trans girls living in france / queer fille trans tchèque vivant en france
UPDATE : work coming out done
funny spinoziste rigolote
demandez à votre spinoziste locale késako la substance infinie / ask your local spinozist about the infinite substance

librarian / bibliothécaire in Paris (beginner)
sometimes i post in french, parfois je poste en anglais
/ banner = unicorn in a library
/ avatar = lady Death in Sandman
/ i don't accept follows from accounts w/ 0 posts.



23 | they/them (collectively) | queer, polyam, neurodivergent, plural

👥frequent fronters:
cyrus (they/them)
janice (she/her)
mei (they/she)

👥other members:

The June Cooperative

- Neurodivergent (Diagnosed ADHD, bipolar; maybe Autistic), Mentally Ill, Trauma Survivors, Plural (Quoigenic, Polyfragmented), Trans, Queer, Polyaffectionate, Polytheist, Occultist, UU, Leftist, White, Antiracist, Prole, Weeb, TTRPG Nerd, Gaymer


Newly out nonbinary ?transfem? person
This is my account for gender stuff I don’t want on main.

Default privacy level for this account is followers-only. Feel free to request a follow.

Gonna be selfies, long genderdumps (probably short ones too), and lots of questions.


We are the Nebula System, hello! We are a plural collective of queer and nebulous creatures.

We're into astronomy, anime, birding, coffee, creative writing, nature, speedruns, tarot, tea, technology, video games, and witchcraft.

Our favorite games are Night in the Woods, Celeste, and Bloodborne.

Transgender and non-binary
Sapphic; incredibly gay

💖 @L0ngtail 💖
💖 @gay_violet 💖

🔞 Occasional 18+ posts/boosts, no minors

Zoe G

hallo! feel free to say hi
she/they, nb trans fem, 24, autistic, KH🗝💙🌑
some of my interests: games (video, board, and ttrpg), musical theatre, theme park design, technology
(icon picrew/94097)


A thirty year old dinosaur. Mostly going to use this account to post about birds, baking and furry art and to try and make some new friends, so please feel free to nudge.

Indigo Trader

"No man is an island" (Donne)
"Are we not men?" (Devo)

We are not, we are ... complicated.

This is a fallback account for @indigotrader

#nobot #nosearch

rune { arcana }

[follow requests are on, and i'm thinning my follower list, because i'm overwhelmed. prioritizing mutuals for now.]

i am a system of proudly autistic, kinetic (adhd), queer, and poly alters. i love art (especially storytelling) in its many forms, including visual art, video, literature, music, games. i enjoy programming as well, and math relaxes me. tell me about your special interests! :)

i am over 21 and may occasionally post or reblog content not suitable for minors. please don't follow if you're under 18. ♥

header: a whole bunch of math charts and formulas, by dan cristian pădureț on

Indigo Trader

"No man is an island" (Donne)
"Are we not men?" (Devo)

We are not, we are ... complicated.

🐈 (they/them): usual co-front
🦋 (they/them): sort-of subsystem, core and host
🥀 (they/them): part of 🦋, co-front
🌄 (she/they): part of 🦋
🖤 (she/they): Shadow, part of 🦋
🏰 (he/they): part of 🦋
📚 (he/they): part of 🦋
🎭 (he/him): part of🦋
💀 (he/him): Santos, part of 🦋 (no longer dead)
🦡 (he/him): Brother Gabriel (not a badger)
🀄 (they/them): Wine-Dark Sky (a dragon)
✒️ (he/him): Aurelius (not entirely human, possibly a subsystem)
🦄 (she/her): Tuppence, occasional co-front (horny *and* innocent)

Other combinations:
🏝️ (they/them): whole system, when needed.
⚓ (they/them): the fronting blend of 🐈 and 🥀 which is what the world sees as a singlet.

Not posting:
Abelard and Eloise (non-verbal, non-human, sort-of subsystem)
"Small" (a little): part of 🦋, somewhat age-slidey
"Tiny" (a little): part of 🦋
Other little parts of 🦋 known to be present but not in communication
The body (to be considered part of a fronting triumvirate)

I/me/my 1st person pronouns indicate ⚓ acting in the wider world, we/us/our for talking about the system as a collection of individuals, and sometimes wit/unc/uncer for the system as the whole (🏝️) or the 🦋 subsystem. This last set is the Old English 1st person dual pronouns, re-introduced to Modern English to signify a plurality limited to the speaker. The corresponding 2nd person pronouns are ġit (or git or yit)/inc/incer, but wit are not bothered whether you use them or not, since Modern English has already conflated 2nd person singular and plural into you/your.

⚓ has accounts across many platforms which link to work and family, please respect their privacy and keep it secret. Wit use emoji rather than uncer names where disclosure would threaten anonymity. 🏝️ does not have a real system name -- Indigo Trader is just a convenient handle.

#nobot #nosearch

Emily Love (she/her) :queercat_trans: :queercat_ace:

#autistic #trans woman, #feminist, #polyamorous, #asexual, #panromantic, #socialist, #pianist, #artist, software engineer. she/her

I live in a big house with my primary partner Erica in Chicago. We run a little commune with our two cats Bubs and Dario, and a rotating cast of guests who stay with us. I’m a white transgender woman, and have been on hormones since 2019. In my spare time I like to play the piano, watch TV, and play video games or board games. I can get really hooked into engineering based games like Kerbal Space Program, and Factorio. I also love messing with home automation projects, and was a big contributor to the project in the past! I still use it today at home.

I run ✨ ✨ with my partner Erica!