Zef Hemel zef@hachyderm.io

Open on hachyderm.io

Organizational hacker. Lover of simple things. Nice as a person. Dutch person living in Poland. Thinks through writing. Director of Engineering at ResearchGate. Created @silverbullet. #OSS #PKM #EndUserProgramming


Max :verified: @max@toet.dnzm.nl

Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

Nieuw in de fediverse? Fedi.tips helpt je op weg!


Stanisław Małolepszy @stanislaw@social.malolepszy.org

I make small 3D games (https://piesku.com), and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.