Zlatko Duric zlatko@social.zlatko.dev

Open on social.zlatko.dev

according to some, I'm avant-garde ;)

I also sometimes post at https://pixelfed.social/zlatko, and my website is https://zlatko.dev and my photo website https://photos.zlatko.dev.


neenko @neenko@mas.to

Engineering engineers @ GIS Cloud

avatar nicked from a webcomic by @Oatmeal

Neven Falica @elkarrde@ohai.social

Full stack IT specialist, photographer (film & digital), 3D printing enthusiast, cat herder, petrolhead.
Based in Zagreb, Croatia.

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #microFourThirds #3DPrinting #FullStackDev #Linux

🎺Just my posts: https://justmytoots.com/elkarrde@ohai.social

Julian @julngomz@genserver.social

I love programming in #zig and #elixir.

Computer Science, Distributed Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms

0x7f @0x7f@genserver.social

I am a dad and an #elixir developer

Béla Varga :verified_breze: @netzzwerg@muenchen.social

he / him / his / girlfather 💕

🕹️ Full Time Developer.
📚 Part Time Teacher.
🥕 Spare Time Gardener.

Juri @juristr@mas.to

👨‍💻 Sr. Director of DX @nxdevtools · GDE
🥚 @eggheadio
🚀 follow for JS, webdev, devtools, monorepo & content creation topics
🐦 https://twitter.com/juristr
📺 https://twitch.tv/juridev

Anton Sipos @aisipos@fosstodon.org

Opinionated musings on software development and whatnot. He/him.

Huey ☁️ @huey@kopiti.am

I read and edit text files for work and for fun

interested in #LegalTech, #IntellectualProperty, #TechLaw, #DataProtection, and #Privacy

likes #OpenSource, #Interoperability, and #eink

fan of #Federation (both #trek and #Fediverse)

I administer a tiny #BookWyrm instance called orreadi.com

boosts and favourites are not endorsements; posts reflect my own views only; nothing here is ever legal advice

aka @me@huey.xyz

previously @huey


Nick Nisi @nicknisi@mastodon.social

🎙️Panelist on JS Party 📣 Organizer of NebraskaJS 🧙‍♀️Emcee TypeScript Conf 💻 Staff Engineer 🧜‍♂️ He/him. 🐦 @nicknisi

Markus Eicher @MarkusEicher@fosstodon.org

Healthcare PeerWorker. Interested in Software Development, AI, ML, Web, Blockchain, Opensource and Decentralization, Science and many other things. It's all about standing up one more time than falling down. Believer in lifelong learning.

#ownyourcontent #opensource #buildinpublic #programming #art #tech #painting #fediverse #decentralization #socialmedia #golang #javascript #html #css #minimalism #KISS #fedi22

Andri @andrioid@hachyderm.io

Geek, Dad and a Professional Coffee Drinker

#backend #frontend #react #reactnative #golang #netsec #devops #pizza #typescript #webdev #ddd #statecharts

Patrick Brosset @patrickbrosset@mas.to

Developer experience PM @ Microsoft, working on Edge. Previously at Mozilla. 
Husband and father of 3. [