LJ Post 863448

Twitter 20071217 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • Do me a favour and check the virgin media web site for broadband in the south west. Internet is dead and 150 is also dead. #
  • How come nobody is realising our data in the us from the dsa is more serious than the media makes it out to be. #
<p style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px;"><b>Originally published at <a href="http://kevin.com.ua/2007/12/17/twitter-obnovleniya-dlya-2007-12-17/">Кевин.com.ua</a>. You can comment here or <a href="http://kevin.com.ua/2007/12/17/twitter-obnovleniya-dlya-2007-12-17/#comments">there</a>.</b></p>
