Theo Crow
🎧 Music addict
⏯️ Playlist curator
🎮 Casual gamer
💾 Tech enthousiast
🧐 Endlessly curious
⭐️ Star Wars and Marvel fan
🎙️ Voice-over/voice actor
🎼 Musician and composer
🎸 Creates ambient music as Crows Labyrinth
🎹 Creates instrumental music as Ålvik
✍️ English & Dutch
#music #playlists #spotify #applemusic #starwars #marvel #gaming #retrogaming #playstation #tech #voiceover #voiceacting #musician #composer #producer
Max :verified:
Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.
- Blogt op :dnzm:
- Heeft een alt op @doenietzomoeilijk
- Was Twitter al beu voordat dat cool was
Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!