Mara Marenzers

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Hi, I'm Mara of the Marenzers System!

:heart_trans: :HeartSapphic: :plural_heart:

I am so happy to be here on planet Earth. She's so beautiful and I'm glad you're here with her too.

If it seems like it's too late to live the life you wished you had, especially as a kid, then focus on making such a life possible for someone else.

If you wish someone would have rescued you from your hell, try to rescue someone else from theirs.

Profile picture credit:


Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.
