Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



I'm a 40-something blind guy living in the Pacific Northwest of the US.
I write, maintain, and advocate for free software.
Utopian dreamer, vegetarian, and amateur philosopher / historian.

Ursula Katherine Spiller

✨ Ursula Katherine Spiller ✨
writer, author, scribbler ~ film lover ~ enthusiast of random things
🏳️‍🌈 very queer ~ all pronouns 🏳️‍🌈 ~ 💉💉💉💉



Game dev, indie producer

I make under-a-rock music for bugs:

also games:

Mitübersetzer von ALRIK: Rollozock, so mit Abenteuern und Labyrinthen wie in den 70er und 80ern.

Co-conspirator of ALRIK: The German OSRIC translation


new no new age advanced ambient motor music machine

#Naarm / #Melbourne, #Australia. I love #walking to explore #FilmPhotography (and digital) and listen to #music. Not scared of Public Transport, and favour #trains. Into #Linux, other #Unix-es and #emacs for 30 years, along with #SelfHosting and hosting for others - I appreciate the distributed nature of the Internet. I'm here for the community, not the daily drama/outrage, and post/boost accordingly. 
Moved from in ~Jan 2022.

Tinyrabbit ✅

parent, role-player, devops engineer/sysadmin, all around decent guy.


archetypical nerd; #rpg #ttrpg #unix #linux #programming #ui #history #trivia #munich #music #retrocomputing #fedi22
🇬🇧 🇩🇪

Matthias Teege

yin yang yoink

Programmer / game writer from Kemerovo, Russia. I also make cosplay & rock festivals.

(shlep shlep frrr)

#webdev #gamedev

(it comes)

Made In Taiwan ™️🇹🇼

What I Do: Front-end IT support for ~25 years, now with added back-end support. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

What I Am: See my pinned post, where I attempt to fit my life in 2222 characters.

Formerly @rosenbergite. Old posts are kept there for posterity.

BBS user since 1997. Observing since 1971.

Avatar: self-portrait created by @mavica_again

Header: I-29 in South Dakota.

“Knowledge does not keep any better than fish.” —Alfred North Whitehead

#fedi22 #nobot

Domingos Faria

Assistant Professor of #Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP).

Andreas Gohr

Blogger, open source developer, maker, human from Berlin.